Re: Remove pin code during login

Remove pin code during login

23 0 1

Good morning im still looking where i can remove the pin code during login , if i search on google i find all the time the password of the store but is not what im lookin for.


When for example i enter in this store actually if i try to login it ask me a pin code , the store guy must send me this code every time.

we want to delete this feature (i know is better to leave it for security) but actually for not wait every time that is guy is on is phone i need for speed up .


but i cant find it anywhere.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
296 57 134

Hey @Olaf5!


It sounds like you are referring to the one-time-passcode which is part of Shopify's new customer account system. You may want to try changing to the legacy customer accounts option, which can be found in your Shopify admin settings, which will allow customers to register and login with email and password instead of the emailed code.



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