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Hello, Im trying to make a specific feature. the concept of this feature is to check in the cart whether there is a product holding a data-collection attribute = tier-1 ... tier-5
Only in this scenario, the script will fire.
So for example, if i have 100 product in the cart, no product has this data attribute == tier-1 ... tier-5 , then nothing will happen.
once i have 1 product at least having this attribute, the script will fire.
what i want to do is:
1. check if data attribute exist.
2. if exist, then i want to make that everytime a customer lower the quantity (using the input or button - ), or remove any product from the cart, to remove all the product that have the data-attribute = tier-1, tier-2 ... tier-5.
3. refresh and update the cart.
in my code i added clear.js. the script worked fine to me and fires when the product with data-collection exists, but this removes all the product from the whole cart.
the code i wrote:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Flag to check if tier-1 to tier-5 product exists
var hasTierProduct = false;
// Iterate over the cart items
$('.media-link').each(function() {
var collection = $(this).attr('data-collection').trim().toLowerCase();
// Check if the data-collection attribute contains 'tier-'
if (collection.includes('tier-')) {
var tier = parseInt(collection.split('tier-')[1]);
// Check if the tier is within the range of 1 to 5
if (tier >= 1 && tier <= 5) {
hasTierProduct = true; // Set flag to true if tier product found
$(document).on("click change", ".sd_mini_removeproduct, .quantity-button.quantity-down, .ajaxcart__qty-num", function (evt) {
if (hasTierProduct) {
url: "/cart/clear.js",
method: "POST",
success: function() {
console.log('Cart cleared');
// Reload the page or update cart contents as needed
Your concept and initial implementation are on the right track, but it seems like the script's logic is not fully aligned with your requirements, especially in differentiating between removing all products and only those with a specific data-collection attribute. Here's how you can refine your approach to achieve the desired functionality:
Refine Attribute Check: Initially, ensure that your script correctly identifies cart items with the specified data-collection attribute (tier-1 to tier-5). It's essential to verify that this part works as intended.
Adjust Action on Quantity Decrease or Removal: Instead of clearing the entire cart, you'll want to specifically target and remove items that match the tier-1 to tier-5 criteria when a product quantity is decreased or a product is removed.
Update the Cart Accordingly: After removing the specified items, you'll need to refresh or update the cart to reflect these changes.
Given your description, let's adjust your script to focus on removing only the products with the tier- data attribute upon a quantity decrease or product removal, rather than clearing the entire cart.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Function to check and remove tier products
function checkAndRemoveTierProducts() {
// Variable to hold products to be removed
let productsToRemove = [];
// Iterate over cart items to find tier products
$('.media-link').each(function() {
var collection = $(this).attr('data-collection').trim().toLowerCase();
if (collection.includes('tier-')) {
var tier = parseInt(collection.split('tier-')[1]);
if (tier >= 1 && tier <= 5) {
// Assuming there's a way to identify each product uniquely, e.g., by a data attribute like data-line-item-key
// Remove identified tier products from the cart
if (productsToRemove.length > 0) {
productsToRemove.forEach(function(lineItemKey) {
url: `/cart/change.js`,
method: "POST",
data: { quantity: 0, line: lineItemKey }, // Set quantity to 0 to remove the item
success: function(cart) {
console.log('Tier product removed from cart');
// Optionally, refresh the cart display here without a full page reload
// Bind the function to events that indicate a potential change in cart item quantities or removals
$(document).on("click change", ".sd_mini_removeproduct, .quantity-button.quantity-down, .ajaxcart__qty-num", function(evt) {
// Consider debouncing this function if it gets triggered too frequently
In Fact, it worked for only 1 product in the cart with data-collection tier1... tier5.
assume now i have 5 products, 3 products has data-collection tier-2, tier-3 and tier-4 respectively, and the 2 other products has any data-collection attribute,
when i removed any of the 2 other products, it only removed 1 product from the tier- ... products.
here is the 2 screenshots to explain:
Can you try this code:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Function to identify and remove all tier products from the cart
function removeTierProducts() {
// Collect all tier products' data-line values
let tierProductLines = $('.media-link[data-collection^="tier-"]').map(function() {
return $(this).data('line');
// If there are tier products, remove them
if (tierProductLines.length) {
let ajaxRequests = [];
$.each(tierProductLines, function(index, line) {
// Store AJAX promises in an array to track when all requests are completed
url: '/cart/change.js',
method: 'POST',
data: {
line: line,
quantity: 0
dataType: 'json'
// When all AJAX requests are done, refresh the cart
$.when.apply($, ajaxRequests).done(function() {
// All tier products have been removed, now refresh the cart
console.log('All tier products removed');
location.reload(); // or use your cart's update mechanism
// Bind to cart change/remove events
$(document).on('click change', '.sd_mini_removeproduct, .quantity-button.quantity-down, .ajaxcart__qty-num', function() {
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