Robots issue?

Robots issue?

3 0 1

Hi all


Is anyone having issues with ROBOTS.TXT? 


Have been told that is not allowing Google to access top-level pages, these shows that your products are not seen by potential buyers who are seeking them because the Bot crawler is DISALLOWED.  Is this normal? 


Any info appreciated. 


Thanks all

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
830 28 75



Please check robots.txt file seems google can find your main pages including product. You can use the Google search console to check your site for any indexing issues.

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2 0 0

I am also receiving repeated messages about this issue. I followed the advice mentioned above and viewed the robots.txt extension on my store and competitor stores and found that my store and some others on shopify have a long list of items that are blocked. Whereas some other stores have very few lines of code in robots.txt. 

I raised this with the shopify support team and they say that the long list is recommended by them. I'm still not 100% convinced as the CSR didn't seem to have any knowledge of this issue. 

Any more words of advice would be welcome. 

2 0 0

I am also receiving repeated messages about this issue. I followed the advice mentioned below and viewed the robots.txt extension on my store and competitor stores and found that my store and some others on shopify have a long list of items that are blocked. Whereas some other stores have very few lines of code in robots.txt. 

I raised this with the shopify support team and they say that the long list is recommended by them. I'm still not 100% convinced as the CSR didn't seem to have any knowledge of this issue. 

Any more words of advice would be welcome. 

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Yeah it's true 

This will stop you store rank on google search engine