saved percentage price

saved percentage price

4 0 1

For the collection "Sale" i want the saved percentage to show up, only that collection. When i change it in themes it changes for all collection.


My theme is Impulse and site is


Also since i changed my menu to a drawer the "Sale" item in the menu isnt in a red collor anymore?


Any help would be much appreciated.

Replies 2 (2)

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Hi @Buzeto ,


Since Impulse is a paid theme, I do not have access to it on my test store to directly add this feature. To display the saved percentage only for the "Sale" collection, I would need to work on the theme code to implement this customization.


Additionally, regarding the "Sale" menu item not appearing in red anymore after switching to a drawer menu, this would also require adjustments in the theme's code or CSS.


If you'd like, I can make these changes for you. Please feel free to reach out to me, and we can get started!

Best regards,


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Hi @Buzeto ,


For the sale price as percentage, there's a confirmed solution for that here on the forums:


To target just the collection use this code, replace "on-sale" with the name of your collection:


{%- if collection.title == "on-sale" -%}
{{card_product.compare_at_price | minus: card_product.price | times: 100 | divided_by:  card_product.compare_at_price }}% off

{% endif %}


For the cart drawer, you can look for theme.css in assets folder and add this line:


.mobile-nav>.mobile-nav__item:last-child: {
  color: red;


If this answers your question, please remember to mark as solved.

Sam @ Achieve Applabs