Scam Shopify Tax automation

Scam Shopify Tax automation

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Yesterday I received and email from what seemed to be from Shopify compliance team. They were asking for my vender's license due to tax compliance issues. I did provided a response with my numbers. However  I believe this is a scam as the email came from Please keep an eye out for scammers. 



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
11206 226 2314

Absolutely not an email address that Shopify would ever use. Good job spotting it, and taking the time to warn others.

★ I jump on these forums in my free time to help and share some insights. Not looking to be hired, and not looking for work. ★

26 0 6

Hello, I just received one also that says "We have identified several activities on your store that do not comply with our Sales Channel Compliance Policy with violations of intellectual property rights. As a result, your store is currently under review by our Sales Support Team." and more stuff and says reply with "HELP"  within 24 hours. It came from the email address compliance.legalshopify@gmailcom . So, I replied with "HELP" just to see what they say. They then replied back fast and said "Thanks for reaching out! We've identified the issue with your Shopify store's sales channel compliance. Issues: The problem is that your shop account is using an outdated or poorly maintained API connections and this will be causing: (they list what it causes). Then say they need me to contact their advance technology team so they can fix this issue quickly.  I then replied back with "what does intellectual property rights have anything to do with sales channel". I haven't heard from them since lol!


I then forward the emails to shopify at  which is a place we can send scam emails to for Shopify to be aware.
