Selling under 18 Years old

Selling under 18 Years old

2 0 1


I am a few months away from turning 18 and wish to start my own business. I am receiving many avenues of support, however I noticed that you cant sell without using the data of a Parent of Guardian.



My business idea will require me to register as a sole trader with Inland Revenue, and carry out self completed tax returns, and doing this with parental bank accounts and data would be an incredible struggle.



So is there any way I can start my business and still have all payment documents in my name?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
275 54 77

Hi @DJFoster 


Welcome to the community and I am glad you have an entrepreneurial spirit. My advice would be to wait for those few months to pass and do research. There are a lot of topics you need to get at least a basic knowledge. It is not just installing a dropshipping app and you will get $50K a week. Recently I saw a YouTube video that explains one thing: Visualise Obstacles ( ) So to be prepared you should visualize possible future obstacles and make plans for how to pass them. For example: you open a store and pay ads but have no sales for months. Well, you should do some research, and as there are hundreds of topics here find common mistakes and compare them to your store and fix and improve.


But for your question, there are a few topics here as well with some good answers and links :


Good luck and have patience.


Kind regards
2 0 1

Thanks for your reply!

I would just like to add that I will not be starting a drop-shipping store, I just need to register as I will be shipping internationally and will be classed as a sole trader. And the reason I am wishing to start this before my birthday, is I will hopefully be heading off to university in September, and wished to have my business established by then, and was mainly just wanting to double check if payments can be done through my own card.


Thanks for your help!