Shipping Expense Question

Shipping Expense Question

3 0 1

Hello, it appears that my shipping expenses are not being reported correctly on orders that qualify for a free shipping discount.  In both the "Shipping" report & shipping column on the "Total Sales" report there are 0.00 values on both shipping & discounts for these types of orders which I suspect totally distorts my shipping costs.  Am I missing something here?  Top image is how is the order appears on my total sales report, bottom is the order itself showing the discount.  As far as I can tell the 9.69 shipping expense is not accounted for on any of the reporting.  


Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.21.18 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.43.13 PM.png


Reply 1 (1)
3 0 1

I'm all ears, what are your thoughts?