Shipping not available. Your order cannot be shipped to the selected address... error... FIXED!

Shipping not available. Your order cannot be shipped to the selected address... error... FIXED!

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Recently I changed something in my shipping profile and messed up EVERYthing.

People were contacting me saying their address won't work...

Here's a screen shot of one of the more recent ones-


What happens is that new products are automatically added to the General Profile under the Shipping and Delivery tab.  WHY?? I dunno.  Ask Shopify. They like to make things hard for us?  Is there an option to organize new products into a specific shipping profile when MAKING the new product?  Not that I can see, but I might be wrong.  Please show me this b/c it would make my life easier...


So here's the General shipping rates (which I can't disable or turn off or delete), and below it, the two rate profiles that I actually want to use-


Here's the General profile, without any option to add or remove products.



I dunno.  But going into the shipping profiles I've created and MANUALLY ADDING NEW PRODUCTS will remove them from the general, and make the shipping address problem GO AWAY.  🙂

At least that is what solved this for me.  I hope that solves it for you, too.


(the stuff shown in the general profile right now is old sold product, and archived, so doesn't matter that it's in here, but something I added a couple days ago got added in here and I didn't realize it...)



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