Shop Pay Hijacks Checkout and Blocks Afterpay as a Payment Option

Shop Pay Hijacks Checkout and Blocks Afterpay as a Payment Option

19 0 12

I just had a customer experience lots of difficulty in checking out on my website using Afterpay, which has been integrated with my website for well over a year, now. She started by shopping on our store via the Afterpay app on her phone, then entered the checkout,  when Shop Pay sent her a code to enter. (Which, of course, she did.) That transitioned her to Shop Pay, where Afterpay was stripped from the payment options. I was able to recreate the issue with her and have to say, it is really confusing from a customer's perspective. Any thoughts on how this can get resolved?

Replies 12 (12)

19 0 5

we have a similar issue- Shop takes over and won't show all the shipping rates or payment options.

Any help would be great.


209 8 151

Yes, we're starting to field complaints from customers experiencing the same issue - did anyone find a solution?

19 0 12

Unfortunately, no. It's not in Shopify's interest to get this resolved so they apparently ignored it.

209 8 151

Thanks @Mary_Spinelli, we might've figured this out and think it's because of they way Shop Pay doesn't make it obvious that you can switch from a CC to AfterPay etc.


See the circles in red in the examples attached, if a customers verifies via Shop Pay, they should see either 'Card' or 'Payment'.




It's not obvious but you can tap to change the payment method, then they choose 'Alternative Payment Methods' then 'AfterPay' (or AMEX, Laybuy, whatever). However, I'm currently travelling so don't have my usual SIM card in so can't verify with Shop Pay to confirm for myself.

Hope that helps someone. The UI here is not very intuitive which is causing confusion.

Regards, Ben

209 8 151

Unfortunately, despite assurances from Shopify, the customer we were helping (and made the screenshot for) still couldn't select AfterPay from: Payment > Alternative payment methods.


Have also asked AfterPay so maybe you're right, Shop Pay does block AfterPay. So frustrating.

1 0 0

No, I haven't found a solution yet. I ended up using Shop pay and now when I found this, I realuze I wasn't supposed to do that. I couldn't understand why it just kept showing shop pay inside the after pay app. I really wanted my order, and it was just over $70.00, so I will hopefully find the answer and only use shop pay again of I choose to. It seems wrong that this happened to afterpay.

1 0 0

When you get to payment. Shop pay will pop up to enter the code sent to your number. *Do not enter the code*, close the pop up and you’ll see other payment options. Such as enter your card, after pay. 

209 8 151

Thanks but the main problem is that customers are totally confused - we get regular emails about this now which means many more are simply leaving our site.


Some people don’t even think we accept VISA! They think the accelerated checkout buttons (shopay, Apple Pay etc) are the only payment methods we accept. 


Shopify told me a new checkout system will launch later this year but in the meantime, customers are getting confused about how to pay. Which seems silly - right?

19 0 12
Yes, That's correct. As a shop owner, I know to do that. But customers do
not realize that their order is being taken over by ShopPay and they just
follow the instructions and enter the code.

18 0 4

I'm having the exact same problem. It's creating chaos with customers either leaving our checkout because they cannot figure out how to order via AfterPay or placing orders with ShopPay in error and then ringing us asking for refunds.

6 0 3

Has anyone found a resolution to this, other than having to explain to customers not to enter the code to sign in to Shop Pay?

1 0 0

Samething happen to me inside the app, but if you click on the 3 dots and open in browser you'll get all the payment options again when you check out