Shop Promise badge showing on carrier calculated rates and showing wrong dates

Shop Promise badge showing on carrier calculated rates and showing wrong dates

5 0 0

I'm having a problem with the "shop promise" badge showing up on carrier calculated rates and giving wrong delivery dates.  For example, it shows up as it should on my standard free shipping (which I want) but it also shows up next to UPS Next Day delivery showing delivery 3 days later instead of overnight.  According to shopify's own documentation, shop promise should not show up on carrier calculated rates.  Talking with support has been an absolute nightmare.  The person I talked to can't comprehend why this is a problem.  Take a look at the screen shots.  I'm using an address a mile away from my warehouse as a test.  Hoping the right person sees this so they can see what the issue is.  I'm glad I did a test checkout and caught this.


Screenshot shopify shipping times.png

Replies 3 (3)

92 0 62

If you're using an address a mile away, the Next Day Air rates shouldn't even be provided as an option. 


At any rate, I think their promise has a lot of buffer built in, that would be my guess.


Did you get it figured out?  I've disabled it until I have more answers.  Like, does Shopify honor the promise if we buy a label through someone else?  I would assume so, but surprised they're not being greedy about it.  That's why my hesitation.

5 0 0

That’s not true about next day rates. Of course they come up for an address a mile away. Anyways, I’m waiting for support to get back to me. It was a struggle to get it escalated because the support agent could not comprehend the issue. Very frustrating. 

7 0 8

Did you ever get this solved.  I think Shop Promise may also be a problem in my store. We have had more abandoned carts lately and I am also seeing that my projected delivery dates in Google MErchant Center feed are way off.  Think I may just turn it off.  Any resolution to this issue with Shop Promise dates being wrong?