Re: Shopify calculating shipping after a discount is applied - A Nightmare!

Shopify calculating shipping after a discount is applied - A Nightmare!

4 0 5

Unfortunately, Shopify calculates the shipping fee after a discount is applied (The shipping rate should be based on the subtotal and not the total (after the discount is applied)).

For example: Let's say you offer your customers free shipping on all $50+ orders.

Now, assume your customer's subtotal is 60$ and has a 20$ gift card/store credit/discount, bringing his total to $40. Shouldn't this customer still get free shipping? (common sense, no?). Shopify, instead, applies the shipping fee based on the total and not the subtotal. 

Has anyone figured out a way to solve this? I saw others complain about this, yet no solution has been offered by the Shopify team. 



Replies 3 (3)

53 0 17
No, they will never fix this. I spoke with a lot of people with the same
problem and they just never bothered to fix or let us choose in which way
it should be calculated. It's so frustrating, made me lose tens of
thousands of dollars in the past 2 years.
53 0 17

Anyone has any update on this matter? Still hasn't been fixed and I found a workaround but is not working anymore 

3 0 0

Hello, I am also looking for a solution here. Customers get shipping cost on orders of +3000,- after they apply a discount code of 3000,-
Not what we want.