Shopify ending support for Scripts in Aug 2024

Shopify ending support for Scripts in Aug 2024

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Just received an email from Shopify that stated "Support for Shopify Scripts will end on August 13, 2024", and suggested to migrate to Shopify Functions: Migrate from Shopify Scripts to Shopify Functions.


Based on that article, Functions can only be implemented through an App. Shopify is going to remove the Script app, not going to provide an replacement App, and we would need to either pay for an 3rd party app or build our own?


"If a script can be replaced by using Shopify Functions, then do one of the following:

  • Refer to the Shopify App Store to determine if a publicly-available app meets your needs."


Replies 2 (2)

1 0 0

I was really hoping they would bump the depreciation back until the app store and API caught up. Right now the API options are super limited and there's a lot they can't do that scripts allowed. It's really frustrating to have things depreciated without clear simple solutions.

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Recently had a issue with Script, and support says it's b/c the service is being depreciated.

There's still 13 month left till it shuts down completely, so hopefully Function is enough by then.