Shopify new store admin page has black buttons and black theme when i never asked for it

Shopify new store admin page has black buttons and black theme when i never asked for it

22 0 19

Hi, I created a new boutique and evrything was normal but when I activated the Shopify Payment after that the admin page went from Normal to a weird black and white theme with smaller buttons and different designs and everything. When i switch to my other store tho, everything is normal.Capture d’écran 2023-07-26 012552.png

Replies 5 (5)
22 0 19

Oh ok, I see thanks. And do you know how to go back to the old version, like the one we all had before?

6 0 1

They seem to have rolled out a new admin page design in the last few days. I saw some comments online about it in the last few days but it's just today mine has updated! Haven't seen any announcements or blog posts about it but hopefully there will be soon, it'd be good to know if any features have changed or been introduced or if it's purely a styling update.

26 0 97

Agreed. If it is a styling update only, I hope they give us the option to go back to the old version. I don't care about the black buttons, but I DEFINITELY care about the lack of information compared to the old screen.

22 0 19

Yes definitely, i was flabbergasted when i saw this version, i really didn't like it at all. Hope they will let us go back to the old one

26 0 97

Apparently, some people have the option for that. Scroll down in this thread:


Sadly, I'm not one of those people. Hopefully it gets rolled out over time to everyone.