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Hello all, I have used the product export/import to update inventory over a year now and never had any issues. Starting two days ago the download link for exported products that is sent to my email is not working, it is not clickable and has no embedded link. This has never happened before and I am unable to update my products.
Normally we select export on products page, export "All Products" and export as "CSV for Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheet programs. Now, when we receive the email the file name is, after checking previous emails that we have received we have always had a file name as products_export_1.csv. Our old email product attachments still work but not the new ones.
I have tried using microsoft edge and originally chrome browser on multiple computers and still unable to find a solution. Any help would be appreciated. Attached screenshot of problem.
The first 2 images attached is of the zip file that is not working while the 3rd image is of the .csv file that has always been sent and has an actual download link.
Yep. Same thing happening to me. Inspecting the code for the email shows an empty anchor tag, so clicking does nothing.
same here
Mine is doing the same thing. I thought it was me so I tried another export and same thing. I hope they figure out the fix soon or what is wrong because I don't have time manually update my products.
same here, damn a multi million company and they can't do simple thing correctly.
Same problem here. Anyone work out a way around it?
EDIT - link worked to download on my phone and email to myself.
We're having the exact same issue!
I tried to download the link from phone and still doesn't work. I did get a fix though, after clicking "EXPORT" and selecting "All Products" followed by what normally is "Export As" - > CSV For Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheet programs, I selected Plain CSV File. The first email sent was a dead link but after doing it twice I was able to download the zip file and within that is the csv file.
After comparing the differences of this new file and previously sent versions I cannot find any differences whatsoever. Just did some testing and it took 3 export requests to get a working link. Hopefully others can still do this until there is a proper fix.
I am also having this problem. I have exported several times now and still am not getting a clickable link for the ZIP file. I am trying both CSV for Excel and plain CSV.
I just requested the CSV file version 4 times and it finally worked, maybe keep trying?
My solution:
-Gmail Platform
-On a Mac
Download link is obviously not working for me either. My workaround is, on with the email from Shopify open, top right, the 3 dots, clicking 'Download message'
It will download a file, open that file which should open in your Apple Mail app. Click the link in there and it will download your export.
I tried opening the same email directly in Apple Mail and the download link still doesn't work. No idea why the above method works.
This just worked for me as well, on windows and opened the downloaded email in default "Mail" App - product export has a anchored link now
Thanks man. This worked for me! Terrible that we are having to read forums and find workarounds for a simple thing like this.
Same problem when I tried to follow the links from Gmail. Downloading the message and opening with a local application (Outlook) worked for me.
I usually get three files if I'm downloading all products. I think it's just depending on how many products you have. I don't know of a way around that.
I get only 1 product export file with around 1200 different unique sku's, I have still not found any differences the "CSV for Excel, Numbers, or other spreadsheet programs" version file and the regular csv file they have optioned in the export process though
thanks.. it worked
Same issue for a couple of days with multiple shopify accounts...
Funny how they are always eager to jump in with 'there's an app for that!'
But fail to pick up on their own technical issues.
Same problem happening to me now.
Has anyone heard if this is being worked on? I'm surprised its still broken.
I was just on chat with them and they were looking into it. In the meantime I just updated my chrome browser and all of a sudden the links are working. Try this and see if it works.
Tried Chrome & Firefox with no luck, the link in the email is still broken unfortunately.
I have a feeling this is actually a gmail issue.
I have the same problem, but every shopify export email has a big red warning at the top saying its flagged as unsafe. My theory is that gmail removes the download link automatically to prevent users from downloading a malicious file. If marking the email as safe restored the original download links, this wouldn't be a problem. Subsequent export emails are still marked as unsafe even though I have told gmail they are safe dozens of times at this point.
Some users on this thread have reported that downloading the email message from gmail and opening it in apple mail worked to show the link. I bet that downloading the message gives you the original raw content including the original download link.
If anyone has this issue and is NOT using gmail or google workspace (even if you access your inbox through a different email app like Apple Mail, you may still be using a gmail/google inbox behind the scenes), I'd love to hear about it.
I also added the Shopify email address from the export to my contacts when I updated Chrome. Maybe adding them to contacts signals the attachment is safe to download?
My workaround is to click "Show original" in the three dots menu in gmail. This should open the raw email content in a new tab. Searching for "<a" in the HTML of the email should help you find the download link in the "href" attribute.
Example of html with the link highlighted:
<li style=3D"-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -moz-text-size-adjust:=
100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; text-size-adjust: 100%; margin-top: 0; m=
argin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; padding: 0;"><a href=3D"https://example=" style=3D"-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -moz-text-size=
-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; text-size-adjust: 100%; margin-t=
op: 0; margin-bottom: 0; color: #2C6ECB; text-decoration: none; padding: 0;=
You have to remove the = sign at the end of the line if yours is spread across multiple lines like mine above. Copy-pasting that into a new browser tab should trigger the file to be downloaded.
Thank you! It worked 100%
Thanks so much, Rseabrook, this is the solution that worked for me!
I can confirm this, I had the same issue with Gmail and then opened the same email with Apple Mail and the link worked.
I'm glad this was posted on the Community page. I very much hate that they put you in an endless loop to look for someone to talk to. Great customer service. I tried the opening the "download message" method and it worked. Back to work now. Thanks!
Unbelievably stupid. I hate shopify for this. It's been taking me an hour to simply click this link. Get it together Shopify.
@Shopify this is obviously a problematic issue: has your team found a solution to this issue? A user should not have to find a different OS or generic Mail platform in order to download an 'export' link. Provide a proper solution: maybe allow your users to generate the download link within the Shopify app? Similar to how PayPal offers their downloadable exports to users. WORK ON A SOLUTION. Time is money and money is business. DO THE WORK TO FIX THE ISSUE.
Mine only worked when I updated my browser, then it didn't work once again on my next export. You have no idea how frustrating it is when you are dealing with 15k plus products @Shopify Let's work on fixing this issue please as this has been going on for quite some time.
This is a known issue as Google had released a security update that seems to be flagging Shopify export emails as suspicious. There is a workaround though.
1. Open the email in the original format
2. Search for ""
3. Remove "=" from the URL and hit enter
Example :
The above link will become :
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned as I did not read the entire thread, but this is a problem with Google only. The export does not go through due to "security" issues for google, but if you export as a "plain CSV" file, the export will work.
If you get a "blank" email, just click "view clipped message" and the export link should be there and it should work!
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