Re: Shopify schema richtext to display only specific formatting options


Shopify schema richtext to display only specific formatting options

4 0 1

Hi all,


I've seen screenshots of the Shopify richtext field that by default shows all formatting options (ai, paragraph, bold, italic, link, bulleted list, numbered list, etc.) like this:



And then sometimes I've seen limited formatting options (only bold, italic, and link) like this:



In other words, in my schema, is there some sort of input settings to allow me to display only the bold, italic, and link options?


My schema looks like this:


{% schema %}
  "name": "Example Name",
  "tag": "section",
  "settings": [
      "type": "richtext",
      "id": "rich_text",
      "label": "Rich Text"

{% endschema %}



Thank you for taking a look! Any help is much appreciated.

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
7640 671 1603

This is an accepted solution.

Use inline_richtext type not richtext type 


afaik no way to granularly control the formatting options for the full rich text input setting

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View solution in original post

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
7640 671 1603

This is an accepted solution.

Use inline_richtext type not richtext type 


afaik no way to granularly control the formatting options for the full rich text input setting

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4 0 1

Ha! This is perfect, thank you Paul. I totally missed this input_richtext option in the list. Wewww!

Shopify Partner
7640 671 1603

Same I always have to double check richtext  when I can't remember what the settings are for richtext to only have 1 control, like making it a list builder.

Because it's so non-intuitive and silly for there to be two separate controls.

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4 0 1

Haha, right?!

4 0 1

Hi Paul,


I have been using this "inline_richtext" type now for a few pages, but I just noticed you can't hit "enter" of "shift + enter" for a line break, haha.. oh man. Frustrating that you can use hard returns with a "textarea" type and the "richtext" type but for whatever reason for the "inline_richtext", they just say no, no line breaks for you!


I don't see any ways around this, unless you happen to know something that maybe I'm missing here?