Shopify search doesn't work for product title containing numbers

Shopify search doesn't work for product title containing numbers

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I am facing issue regarding how Shopify search work. My products contain number and they are not searched.


For example: if my store has title KL2094 Test Product, then searching for 2094, doesn't show the above product.


Kindly help.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
7536 666 1595

Partial matches for search terms generally start at the beginning of the word.

Should be pre-existing forum topics on this behavior.


There is a prefix=last parameter thought not clear if that applies to this situation. 


Generally you either need to:

  1. get a full fledge search service instead of the basic native search.
  2. customize the theme to have a part lookup, sku lookup , etc
  3. customize the theme to correct what the customer puts in the search input i.e if all parts start with KL

And all generally some sort of changes may be needed to the product data, such as adding tags, or editing descriptions, adding metafields, etc.


If you need this explored deeper or, theme customizations then contact me by my email for services.
Contact info in forum signature.
ALWAYS please provide context, examples: store url, theme name, post url(s) , or any further detail in ALL correspondence.


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