Shopify support and Klarna payments

Shopify support and Klarna payments

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I had a customer purchasing a special customised to order item.

We placed the order with our supplier / manufacturer.  We upfront informed to customer that there was a waiting time of 2 months.  The customer agreed to wait.  3 weeks later (after placing the order with our supplier) we get an email from our supplier that the unit is ready to ship.  We inform the customer.  First he was happy, then a day later he asked if he can change the order and get a different machine.  We said no, because it was special ordered for him and we normally do not stock the item.  A day later he wanted to cancel the order. We told him that was not possible because in our Terms and Conditions page is written when the 14 day right of withdrawal is not valid. We offered to take the machine back but then we would charge a 20% restocking fee.         Again we could not come to an agreement.   The customer use Klarna as payment option so he informed Klarna that he wanted his money back since he never received the item.      We put the order on hold and did not ship or refund him because he reported to Klarna because we could not to an agreement.         Now comes the much bizare aspect of the story.   I get an email from Klarna man weeks later that the customer wants his money back.  All the questions in this email for us to answer were none relevant: like when did we send the item and what is the tracking code.   So I answered telling Klarna the reason of the dispute and I attached a pdf with all in detail info + copy of all correspondence.    The reply i got was thagt I still needed to asnwer all none relevant questions as if nobody did read the information I emailed back to Klarna.  So i contact Klarna: the answer was: because we use Klarna as part of Shopify payments, it is Shopify who is having the agreement with Klarna and not us the merchant so therefore Klarna could not look into the case.  Then i asked them on the phone why I get emails with questions to answer from Klarna and I got the same answer.  Now i contacted Shopify support (chat) and requested to speak with a human support agent (not a bot) and they told me to contact Klarna.  That is also visible at the top of the Shopify order page over which the dispute is going: Contact Klarna direct, which i did with zero result.      Legally we are right to deny the 14 day withdrawal with this issue (all in line with EU law) still Klarna sided with the customer since I could not fill in all answers.  If I would have had myself an account with Klarna, I could have spoken directly myself with Klarna.  I think it is unbelieveable and extreme poor merchant suppoort that Shopify is sending us to Klarna and the otherway.  Tjhis is a problem between Klarna and Shopify which should not be the merchant problem, but unfortunately it is.

Replies 3 (3)

866 65 82

Hi @BaristaEspresso !


Have you let Shopify support know that Klarna instructed you to contact Shopify instead? If yes and Klarna insist on doing so, you can let Shopify support team know and see if they can further assist you. You can also leave this feedback to them so they can see and check what to improve on.

Please let me know if it works by marking it as a solution!
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Of course I have contacted Shopify support, but so far no proper support received from them: still waiting for an answer

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12 days later still no answer