Shopify = Waste of Time; Refuses to give option to file a complaint so here I am.

Shopify = Waste of Time; Refuses to give option to file a complaint so here I am.

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I'm gonna start this off with IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT SHOPIFY OR ANY OTHER SITE. Go to any other site because this one is not helpful at all!!

For a website that has you do EVERYTHING yourself (oh but don't worry there will be countless tutorials and forums for you to read). The one thing they do not allow you to do yourself is anything to do with billing you. Changing your card, preferred bank, billing cycle preference. If it has to do with them taking money from you... you cannot change it AT ALL without jumping through hoops and THEY have to approve your switch. (My request to go from yearly billing to monthly was denied).

I asked for an email or a way to file a formal complaint that could be tracked via a paper trial (i.e. email or anything other than telling the customer service bot my problem and then it drifting off into the void). And they said that wasn't possible so I hope AS MANY PEOPLE SEE THIS AS POSSIBLE. 

All I wanted to do was go from yearly to monthly and they had me jump through hoops in customer service (which seems to be a pattern). I had to "request" it through the customer service bot chat. And they never have an answer for you ... its always "I will start a request and send it to the proper department and they will email you". And they NEVER DO! You get a "transcript" email and you can reply to it all you want but it still seems to go in circles. 

If you want assistance get ready to wait weeks, have it go back and forth only for them to charge you anyway then ALL OF A SUDDEN they can rush a refund but then will have to charge you again for the monthly with a fee. 

This whole shopify experience has been trash. There is never anyone who actually wants to help you. Anyone I have talked to has tried to get me to spend more money on someone who can make my site look better, pay for something that will make my products look better,  or pay for something that will get my products out to the "millions of customers" they have. 

This company is just building itself off of small businesses and sucking them dry until there is nothing left but then preaches on how many "small businesses" they have assisted... into the ground maybe. 

I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING SHOPIFY. Unless you already have the capital to pay them to do everything. Might as well just go to Wix or whoever since you're already doing everything yourself. 

Replies 3 (3)

4 0 2

my site has been hacked and i cant get the hackers off my site! shopify says change your password. like i havent done that a million times! i had 18 people signed into my site and 11 stores, i sent screen shots and no response. they tell me to go through my site to support, my site is HACKED and i get redirected to the hackers when i complain. so i didn't pay my bill today & my site is off. i’m not going to pay every month for a platform that refuses to have any customer support! i totally get your frustration!

Shopify Staff (Retired)
3076 300 550

Hey, @Any & @shop-owner.


Thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.


If you're not hearing back from an escalated ticket, then we'd be happy to take a closer look at your account and check on the ticket for an update. While we're unable to provide account-specific support via the Shopify Community, we'd be happy to continue assisting you through live chats. Please visit the Shopify Help Center and login to your account to get connected with a Shopify Support Advisor. 


That being said, if your account was hacked and/or you're unable to login to your account on the Shopify Help Center, then you can also get in touch with us using the following link: Can't log in to your Shopify account. From there, simply scroll down and click on Chat with us. After filling out the form, you'll be able to initiate a live chat. 


If you have any other questions on this topic, then don't hesitate to let us know.

Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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i appreciate your reply, but it needs to go through email because everything through my shopify is rerouted to the hacker. and even then i don’t think shopify’s security team has the ability to stop this. and i dont think shopify really cares. or they would invest in real security. the hackers have opened 11 stores on my account! when i told the shopify chat person that, they said its okay those stores aren't active. WHAT?!?! I don’t want them on my account!!! they didn’t remove those stores. the lackadaisical attitude of your customer service is extremely frustrating! shopify has a very big security problem! and no one to call to speak to and quite frankly, your security team isn't sophisticated enough to figure out whats going on and how to locate the problem and stop it. i see someone else has the same problem, shopify has a breach somewhere! its only a matter of time before the entire platform is hacked. its too easy!