Re: Some code has appeared above the header, and I don't know how it got there, or how to remove it.

Some code has appeared above the header, and I don't know how it got there, or how to remove it.

3 0 3

I am hoping that someone will be able to help.....

This code appeared at the very top of my page above the header and announcement bar.  I opened the computer to check on analytics and update some information, and it was suddenly there.  I am by no means familiar with code, so I would not have added it - but I would very much like to know how to remove it from the store's page. I went to my store from my daughter's computer (as a customer) and it was visible on there....Not a very professional look when customers go to the site!  I would greatly appreciate any help!  


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Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Partner
519 58 111

Is it possible to get your store url to check? It is hard with just a snippet of code to tell what exactly is going on.

Have I helped? Consider putting coffee in my mouth!
Buy Me a Coffee
3 0 3
Thank you. We got it fixed last night
Shopify Partner
519 58 111

What was the solution? It is happening to other people so if you could give how you fixed it, it could help others.

Have I helped? Consider putting coffee in my mouth!
Buy Me a Coffee
3 0 3
In all honesty, I had to uninstall a couple of apps that I had installed
through shopify admin. Somehow, something that I downloaded caused it to
appear. Once I deleted the apps that I do not use, it went away.
The code that was appearing on my end was not visible to customers as I had
initially thought, it was only visible on my end

10 0 1

mine too today how to remove it please

Shopify Staff (Retired)
2398 162 290

Hi, all.


Thank you for reaching out and sharing your questions to the thread.


To gather more context, could you provide insight on the following:



I look forward to hearing back.

Victoria | Shopify 
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