Re: Someone know if there is an option to see products history?

Someone know if there is an option to see products history?

Shopify Partner
5 0 1

Hi, I need to check my products prices history... What was the first price, when it was changed?, by who it was changed? and so on..
Is it possible?

Replies 11 (11)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
4531 434 1030

Hi Eliran, 

Nick here from Shopify. 

Great questions. Some of what you asked is possible and some of it is not. One thing to note is that you can see activity updates from staff members in the store, but they are not product specific and are more general activity changes. Let's take a deeper look into this all below:

  • As I mentioned you can see the store activity in the bottom right-hand corner of the store admin.  You can also click into an Activity page where it offers this information in more depth, which looks something like this:  I made some changes to a product to double check if product activity came up on it and it didn't so I know it might not be ideal or completely what you are looking for, but I wanted to let you know what information there is about this regardless. 
  • I'm not sure if this is something which is of interest to you, but you can also set staff permissions should you wish. Meaning you can give certain staff members more or less access to certain parts of your store. The ability to adjust product information, prices is one of them. 
  • Last but not least. I want to thank you for the feedback on this. I can see how this would be valuable information to you as a business owner and even help range prices if you can see what the changes made were from say a year to now for example. I will pass this along to our team for future reference on your behalf. 

Hope this helps and don't hesitate to ask should you have any other questions. 

All the best, Nick


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
189 0 59
I would suggest exporting your products before each pricing change, and then creating a report in Excel that compares pricing differences.
Shopify Partner, software developer and designer.
9 0 7

I sure wish this was possible.  Would be a great tool to have.  Shopify, please take note.  A last change date as a filter option would be a great option as well.  

6 0 7

Having the history is super important. it will be great if you can add creation date" to know when this product was created by which staff member 

2 0 0

I also wanted to know about the product history and this reply is very detailed and useful. Thank you for this guide. It's really helping and useful for me. I was trying to see the history of the product on a store names as block craft 3d mod apk but i couldn't because i hadn't have information about how to see the product history but now i can see the products history with the help of this reply.

4 0 5


Can i export the history to a file to search for an incident that happened months ago?




Shopify Partner
189 0 59

You can export your product file, and then use it in reports, but they will be static files as of that moment.

Shopify Partner, software developer and designer.
10 0 8

I would like to see this option too. All of our items are one-of-a-kind, so they are priced as needed and I would love to be able to see the change log history for each item. We had this with our old microbiz computer system and it's something Shopify needs to incorporate. 

11 0 3

You posted this in 2018 and the actual requested data is still not available? That is very poor

10 0 8

Hi Nick,

Has any progress been made on adding product history? 

We requested this a long time ago.  

Thank you,


Shopify Partner
189 0 59
You could use a reporting app such as Report Toaster to create automatic
exports of whatever information you like, and have it emailed to you on a
daily, weekly or monthly basis.

I doubt Shopify will add historical data anytime soon because it's a very
small segment of their audience that would need this. Especially since
it's fairly easy to do manually.

That being said, the sale price is stored with the orders, so if you sold
products you could get their selling price in a report as well.

Shopify Partner, software developer and designer.