Stop fraudulent add to carts? 1 user adds 50 single items to cart and leaves.

Stop fraudulent add to carts? 1 user adds 50 single items to cart and leaves.

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1 0 0



How can I prevent a person who has created an account in my store but never placed an order, from adding items to the cart and abandoning them? 


This person does it around 50x during a few minutes, then leaves, then comes back and does it again. Because they are not a customer I do not have an IP address. 


The customer information they provided is fake, and when I use visitor tracking apps, there are no instances of a single visitor having a high number of sessions, or page visits. So they must be changing their IP on every visit. 


My abandoned cart page is flooded with fake carts. Any help would be appreciated. 



Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
494 50 95

The only thing I can think of would be to delete their customer account:



But there is nothing preventing them from creating a new one. Someone else may have a better solution.

Hope that helps!

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21 0 3

Couple options, add an IP blocker based on the location they are at, add a verify captcha for all new accounts is another good option, helps eliminate a lot of fake accounts.

Boss Lady

66 1 23

I have the same problem but the customer does not have an account because they use a fake email.   they use the same email every time but a different billing/shipping address.  They're doing this to both my shopify stores so I'm taking it personally at this point.
When I can find the ip, I block it  it's always some cloud server company like hivelocity or arichnitec and other's like it.  but a few hours later they're back from some other server where you can go and run scripts at high speed (I think)    I'm worried that I don't know enough and I'm going to end up blocking what might be good traffic  and I'm really just getting annoyed that someone is doing this.  Can someone please explain the thought process around people doing this?
What is their desired outcome?  Just to piss me off?   does it ruin my serps?  is it hurting my site?
Other than playing ip whack a mole, what else can I do?