Swatches for Variants Randomly Disappeared! - Blockshop

Swatches for Variants Randomly Disappeared! - Blockshop

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Hey all! 


Out of the blue today our variant swatches vanished on

They were working this morning and yesterday for a product launch. We werent making any edits to the code, and it seems like they just stopped working? Did shopify push an update that could have caused this ?


Details- we are running blockshop 8.6.1

We are not running the latest version of blockshop since we have made some customizations to our code for custom properties etc. that have been running fine for months now. 


I am confused as it just stopped working out of the blue seemingly, but as we all know, something had to have happened. Any ideas? where should we start looking?


one clue, the variant colors show up when we go to edit the theme just not on our phones or computers outside of the "theme editor"

Thanks all! 


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
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I'm experiencing this same issue. Were you able to get it resolved?