These domains couldn't be connected because the stores are frozen - Worst Support

These domains couldn't be connected because the stores are frozen - Worst Support

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Like many others, I've encountered the issue of not being able to connect my domain to the new store because it's still linked to an inactive store. I reached out to Shopify support, and the general advisor informed me that they don't have the authority to resolve the issue but have escalated my case to someone who does. In the meantime, they told me to wait. I also contacted my domain provider, who deleted the DNS, yet it seems Shopify is still holding onto my domain. This feels outrageous.


After checking community posts, I found that many others have experienced the same issue. I reached out to the general assistant again, insisting that they stop telling me to wait and either provide an estimated timeframe or connect me with someone who can actually resolve this. As store owners, we are also Shopify customers, and this level of customer service is unacceptable. However, it feels like I'm speaking to a bot assistant. Let’s see what support says in the end.


"If that's the case, I believe we are done from here as our team will communicate with you through email only so please keep an eye for your email. I appreciate you letting me assist you today. l have provided you with necessary information. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further clarifications or related questions. Our team is always here to assist you. Have a wonderful day and bye for now!"


I don't feel Shopify team is there to support me at all! Does Shopify even have customer service that can actually solve problems? My ticket number is 50077924. Thank you in advance!


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