this website throws more error codes than my truck

this website throws more error codes than my truck

1 0 0

I'm extremely disappointed with this program and its services. I have not been able to change any themes or edit my website due too error codes popping up rerouting me to customer service where a robot associate told me to rephrase the question. I will be deleting my account if the shop does not reach and fix there program. 

Replies 2 (2)

60 1 2

Hi cook
Sorry to hear this.
Can you please provide your store URL so we can check it what's the issue

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Hi @CookingOiler 


I am sorry to hear about this situation and that you have had issues connecting with our support team. When reaching out through our Help Center please use the prompt "contact support" to easily initiate the contact flow. 


Could you share some more information on the errors you are seeing? I may be able to help troubleshoot this here as well with you. 

Shay | Social Care @ Shopify 
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