Re: Translation pages developed by 3rd parties via apps (Adapt&Translate or others)

Translation pages developed by 3rd parties via apps (Adapt&Translate or others)

4 0 1

Hi everyone 

I've to translate my shop to launch in other markets 

I would like to use apps like Adapt&Translate or others (i.e. Langify, ...) 

Can I translate pages created by third parties apps like Layouthub that includes forms power by Active Campaigns (so embadded)?

Or I have to duplicate all pages and forms and use a turnaround liquid code with an IF THEN ELSE mode to use a different piece of code based on language?


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
55 6 12


Michael from Langify here.


With Langify you can translate your Active Campaign form using Custom Contents in e,g. in


Langify -> Custom -> Global


Here's a short guide on how to use Custom Contents:


However, in case this shouldn't work (this can happen when the form elements are placeholders) please reach out to and we'll add a custom script for you to make it work. 


Langify FAQ