Unable to add custom font Palo Alto Theme

Unable to add custom font Palo Alto Theme

17 0 13



I am working in the Palo Alto theme (preview of website linked below, it's not yet published).


I am following all of the instructions here to add custom fonts. I upload a WOFF file to Assets, then assign it by adding this code under css-variables.liquid:


/* -- code to use Gotham font-family in theme -- */
@font-face {
font-family: 'Seasons';
src: url('{{ "Seasons.eot" | asset_url }}');
src: url('{{ "Seasons" | asset_url }}#iefix') format("embedded-opentype"),
url('{{ "Seasons.woff" | asset_url }}') format("woff"),
url('{{ "Seasons.woff2" | asset_url }}') format("woff2"),
url('{{ "Seasons.svg" | asset_url }}#Seasons') format("svg");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
} /* - end - */


I then assign the heading font stack in css-variables.liquid to 'Seasons' like this:

--FONT-STACK-HEADING: {{ 'Seasons' }}, {{ heading_font.fallback_families }};
--FONT-STYLE-HEADING: {{ heading_font.style }};
--FONT-STYLE-HEADING-ITALIC: {{ heading_font_italic.style }};
--FONT-ADJUST-HEADING: {{ settings.heading_size | divided_by: 100.0 }};


It isn't working, and insead falling back to the basic Shopify serif font. It works with other fonts that I've uploaded, but not this specific one. Any thoughts?


Preview here:




Reply 1 (1)

1 0 0

I have the same issue. Have you been able to resolve this issue in the meantime?