Unexplained termination of my stores

Unexplained termination of my stores

4 0 1

I have had 6 stores terminated from shopify due to violation of the acceptable use policy. Despite reviewing the AUP extensively, I still find no reason to getting terminated, and verify everything. I have concluded that it is most likely a Shopify payments issue as I get an email saying my information couldn't be verified, and without any chance for me to provide additional documents, instantly terminate the store a minute later. I have resolved to using stripe payments gateway, but after launching ads I got banned again. I would like to use Shopify payments, could I get assistance to figure this out? Sho should I contact?

Replies 6 (6)
4 0 1

How would I contact payments support?


118 10 22

Hi @vicky3,


I'm very sorry to hear that your store got terminated, give the pattern you explained it is likely an issue with Shopify payments. Especially if you are receiving  notifications about the verification process. Have you made sure that all of the business info has been placed into Shopify including the company name and VAT info?




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4 0 1

I think I did. But how would I know if Shopify doesn't even explain. Please help because I remember previously if there was an issue they would ask u to attach supporting documents. However, I didn't even get that message and was immediately banned

118 10 22

Hi @vicky3,


That's very sad to hear, it seems that Shopify might have a new policy for terminating stores. The best thing to do is try and reach them and ask for a more clear reason as to why your store was terminated.




Bundler combines perfection with non-negotiable value and total creative control. Learn more

Shopify Partner
14 1 1

Hi Vicky.....If your Shopify stores were terminated due to potential issues with Shopify Payments, I recommend contacting Shopify Support directly to request a detailed explanation. Emphasize that you've reviewed the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and need specific guidance on what led to the terminations. Request to speak with the payments team to clarify verification requirements. In the meantime, consider using an alternative payment gateway like Stripe until the issue is resolved. Engaging with Shopify Support and ensuring compliance is key to avoiding further issues

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New Member
4 0 0

Dear Account Owner,

We have reviewed your account and determined that it is in violation of Shopify's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). As a result, we are no longer able to host your store on the Shopify platform and your account has been closed.

If you believe that your account was terminated in error, as a first step, please use this form to appeal the decision.

Please note that this email address is not monitored. Any responses submitted will not receive a reply.


And then we submitted ID photos, business proof. But got no response after we did that since 3-4 days this week. 


What can I do to make it restored?


Looking forward to your reply.