Uploading Images using Semi Colon Separated Image Src Column

Uploading Images using Semi Colon Separated Image Src Column

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I have roughly 2300 products I'm trying to import using Shopify's incredibly broken CSV file import. 

I have separated the images in the "Image Src" column with semi colons as follows:

https://trail-gear.com/media/images/products/TGI-311563.jpg ; https://trail-gear.com/media/images/products/TGI-311563_ALT01.jpg ; https://trail-gear.com/media/images/products/TGI-311563_ALT02.jpg ; https://trail-gear.com/media/images/products/TGI-311563_ALT03.jpg


I cannot seem to get this to work properly. I'm not going to go in and insert rows for 2300 products. What is the correct way to make this work without paying for some app?

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A clear concise answer on this with example formats would be greatly appreciated 🙂 for TheTreadLife, myself and 66 other viewers. Thank you!