Variant image appearing before media image

Variant image appearing before media image

4 0 2

On my product page, one of the four variant images is showing in my list of images before the main media image. So when someone clicks on the product page, instead of the main product image showing, a swatch appears first and then the product image...followed by the remaining swatches. Can anyone help change this order??

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
72 9 24

To assist you better with rearranging the order of images so that the main product image appears first, followed by the variant swatches, it would be helpful to know which Shopify theme you're using. Different themes might have slightly different methods or file structures, and knowing the specific theme can guide us in providing more accurate instructions.

If you're not sure which theme you're using, you can find out by going to your Shopify admin dashboard, clicking on 'Online Store', and then on 'Themes'. Your current theme will be displayed at the top of the page.

Once I know your theme, I can give you a more tailored solution. Typically, this involves editing the theme's code, particularly the sections related to product images and variant selection. It usually requires adjustments in the Liquid template files, which control the display logic on your Shopify store. But don't worry, I'll guide you through the steps once I know more about your theme!

Best Regards,
Keshan Vishwajith
Shopify Certified Theme Developer
Feel free to drop me an email
4 0 2

Thanks! I am using the Dawn theme.


Shopify Partner
72 9 24

Can you share the link to your store? So I will be able to deep dive and find a solution. 

Best Regards,
Keshan Vishwajith
Shopify Certified Theme Developer
Feel free to drop me an email
4 0 2

I would prefer to not share that at the moment. Was hoping you could provide insight without going into the store yourself.