Re: Variants are not clickable after change language

Variants are not clickable after change language

Shopify Partner
1 0 0


on my store ( I use theme Impact.


I had the product page already setup and variants working done at the defualt language (Eglish),


the issue is once i change language to (Arabic) the variants are showing buttons but not clickable

THe site automatically selects the first variant even if the user chooses a different variant




Do you have any suggestions to solve this issue?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.


Reply 1 (1)

33 1 5

Hi @Abdallahmahmoud 


There are two things you can check on this issue:


1. Check your theme settings to see if the "Variants" setting is enable for Arabic language or not.

2. Check the HTML and CSS code for the product page to see if there's any error preventing the variants from being clickable.


In case you are not familiar with coding, you can reach out to Shopify support at to ask for their help on figuring out the problem.


I hope this helps.

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