Website doesn't appear on google unless i add '.com'

Website doesn't appear on google unless i add '.com'

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My website domain is 

I thought it was my SEO and poor page ranking, but I went through all google pages to search for my website after searching both "artevo" and "artevo print" and it wasn't there. It would only show when I literally type the full domain. Is there something wrong with my DNS settings? Also, it appears that the website is indexed by google so I dont understand why it isnt working still.




Reply 1 (1)

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When trying to rank 1st page for a concept you will always have SEO issues. 

Try searching from a different device not your logged in one that shows a personalized view where competitor sites you've looked at get algorithmically shuffled around.


Hi @artevo 👋 even without phrase-search qoutes "" adds specificity to what your looking for.

It's no proof that a website is missing ranking it doesn't have.


"domain name" as well as "domainname" both show to me with a casual search

even for "artevo" and "artevo printing" the domain shows on 1st page.


Is the literal title on all/any your sites pages '" , or at one time were that within a recent 30-60 day period.

What about social link previews. 

When is the last time the website was crawled.

What do any seo reports show. etc

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