What does "-F1" suffix mean at the end of an order number?

What does "-F1" suffix mean at the end of an order number?

1 0 0

Hello, I am trying to figure out why there is a "-F1" suffix at the end of an order number (see near bottom of included image). The order number shows correctly but when viewing the order details there is a suffix added. Does this mean it has been edited? An explanation would be greatly appreciated.

Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 9.43.09 PM.png

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
80 17 17

Hi Eric, welcome to the Shopify Community.


Does this "-F1" appear on all orders? If so, this might be a static suffix added in your store settings. 


To check if there's a static prefix or suffix to your order numbers, go to Settings -> General and scroll down to the bottom of the page. If you see anything in the suffix field, remove that and you'll get cleaner (number only) order numbers.



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Fulfillment 1

7 1 5

We have the same situation with only one order number and are unsure also what that means.  Were you able to determine what caused that?  TIA