When items sold and discount applied this is not reflected in stock levels

When items sold and discount applied this is not reflected in stock levels

4 0 1

Morning All,


I have found that when I apply a discount to a product or I discount at the end of a sale that those items aren't reflected in my stock levels as been sold.  I am using shopify to track my stock levels and when I do a stock take it does not tally.  I have seen this over a couple on months now so I have looked at specific things I know I have only sold a couple of and that I have discounted.  This has shown me that when I have discounted on specific products that they have not reflected in my stock levels.  Is there a box I need to tick or untick?  Please could someone shed light on what I need to do to resolve this.  Many thanks

Reply 1 (1)

4 0 1

Hi Gasper, 


Thanks for trying to help.  


I will definitely try the things you suggested but could you tell me how to check some of these things.  


Could you point me in the right direction for checking that the discounts I'm applying are set up to reduce the inventory. 


Also, what am I looking for in shopify admin setting to ensure that my products are set to track inventory and that there isn't a setting that is inadvertently preventing the inventory from being deducted?

I'm not using a third app so it can't be that.  


Many thanks,
