
Where can I find customer messages on my online shop?

New Member
19 0 0

Hello! I receive emails saying that I have a message from a customer through a form I have on my shop ( But I cannotScreenshot 2023-03-14 at 14.17.08.png find the messages and, therefore, respond to them. Does someone know where I can find them? 


Thank you!


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
462 47 137

Hi @Anna65,


the messages submitted through the contact form on the contact page are sent to your store's Sender email address (unless you use an app or any integration that would do differently).


This means that the message was sent to your email and now you can reply to the received email via your email. Learn more about the contact page/form in this helper article.


Hope this helps!



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11 0 1

How do I see contact form messages on Shopify? 
I know that all of the messages are sent directly to my mail. Sometimes I miss it and therefore I need a place where all of the submitted questions on the "contact us" are displayed.

Mahmud Asad
1 0 0

Where do they live on Shopify? I have a customer saying he sent us six emails, we received one, where can I find the rest or check to see if he's lying?


Thanks in advance.

1 0 0



I just came on here to tell you that i think this may be a scam. I had a very similar message from an unknown email and it doesn't show up in my messaging app so seems like this is spam. I would report this.