Why dynamically track "Transaction ID" in Google Ads conversion tracking?

Why dynamically track "Transaction ID" in Google Ads conversion tracking?

15 0 4

Hi all,


I've recently reviewed my Google Ads conversion tracking tags in my Shopify theme code and realised I had the following values:

'value': 1.0,
'transaction_id': ' '


But i've been reading that it is better to dynamically track both value and the order number as follows:

'value': {{ checkout.total_price | money_without_currency }},
'transaction_id': '{{ order.order_number }}'


I understand the value part (captures conversion value more accurately), but I don't see any additional benefit from including the order number? I cannot even see anywhere in Google Ads where its possible to view the order number against a conversion.


Could someone help me understand this better? 

Replies 6 (6)
15 0 4

Is this a generic answer or do you know this specifically because, as I mentioned in my original question, there doesn't appear to be any way to actually see the Order Number in Google Ads.


Happy to be corrected if that's not the case.

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3274 243 785

Tracking the order number will allow you to avoid double tracking. For example when the user reloads the thank you page, or navigates back to that page. 

Then Google will see the same transaction id, and will not count it again in Google Ads.


You can learn more here: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6386790?hl=en


It has nothing to do with tracking specific orders or getting back the customer.

Get in touch with Emmanuel: a Google Shopping Specialist, Google Ads Diamond Product Expert, and also a a Google Product Expert Education 2021 & Tailwind 2023 Award winner.
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@EmmanuelFlossie  is right. Further to his response, if you track the order ID with the order object, you will still have duplicate tracking issues since the variable is sometimes empty.


Your best following my tutorial. Instead use 

'transaction_id': '{{ name }}',


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3274 243 785

You can even further expand and use 


{{ order.name||order.id }}

And of course wrap it inside a 

{% if first_time_accessed %}


Get in touch with Emmanuel: a Google Shopping Specialist, Google Ads Diamond Product Expert, and also a a Google Product Expert Education 2021 & Tailwind 2023 Award winner.
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10 0 2

I tried all these suggested codes in GTM as transaction-ID but always got an error warning which was saying, the variable is wrong.

Which one I should add now?


Thank you


Shopify Partner
3274 243 785

All the mentioned examples are valid. It's possible you are having a different issue.

But in any case, here is another value you can use.


{{ order_id }}



Get in touch with Emmanuel: a Google Shopping Specialist, Google Ads Diamond Product Expert, and also a a Google Product Expert Education 2021 & Tailwind 2023 Award winner.
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