Re: Instagram can't connect

Why is Instagram not connecting to my online store?

3 0 0

hello ,


its nice to do do application for connect a instagram shop , but problem is that when you want connect , he tell that prorietary of this , its shopify ....  no way for connect our intagram to shopify .... any solution ? thanks

Replies 37 (37)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Curse


This is Rae from Shopify. Thank you for reaching out about connecting your Instagram account, and welcome to the Community. 


Can you please tell me a bit more about the problem you encountered while trying to connect Instagram to your Shopify store? Did you see a specific error message?


In the meantime, there's definitely some troubleshooting that we can work through to try and get your account connected. As a starting point, we'll need to ensure that your business is based in a country that's supported by Instagram. These countries are outlined here.


If you're located in a supported country, then your business also needs to meet these requirements: 


More information on these requirements can be found here


Once you've confirmed that your store meets the above guidelines, make sure to follow these steps to try and reconnect your Instagram account to your Shopify admin. If you encounter any issues during this process, or if you receive any error messages, please reply back to me here with more details and I'll be glad to provide more assistance. 


I look forward to hearing back from you! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Hello , 

here answer 


Can you please tell me a bit more about the problem you encountered while trying to connect Instagram to your Shopify store? Did you see a specific error message?


As you can see , its in french but he told me i need be administrator of this .... for select this 


I try again this :

Once you've confirmed that your store meets the above guidelines, make sure to follow these steps to try and reconnect


Sorry but it do the same .... 


Thanks for your help 



Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Curse!


Thank you for getting back to me with these details regarding your account setup. 


In the screenshot you provided, it looks like Shopify is the current owner of your Facebook catalog, which is correct. In order to connect both the Facebook Shop channel and the Instagram channel to your Shopify account, Shopify needs to remain as the owner of this catalog. This catalog is what helps create product tags on Instagram, and this set up is only possible when Shopify is the owner of the catalog. 


When you connect your Instagram account within your Shopify admin by following these steps, and set up your product catalog based on these guidelines, do you see any errors appear in your Shopify admin? If so, can you please take a screenshot of these errors and send it to me here? 


Once I receive these details, I can take a closer look into the issue. 


Thanks for your help! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Hello , 


its the same than before here the screen about instagram ... he tell to me to check in business manager , and i find same error than before . 


where is the problem ? what do you think ? 





Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Curse


Thanks for following up with those details and including that screenshot. Is this screenshot from within your Instagram account, or from within Facebook?


Either way, can you please check to make sure your Facebook catalog is already connected to your Instagram business profile. To do this, follow these steps: 


  1. Open up the Instagram app on your mobile device and go to your profile. 
  2. Tap the menu in the top right corner and select 'Settings'
  3. Tap 'Shopping', and confirm your Facebook account. If you don't see the 'Shopping'  option, tap 'Edit profile'  and check to make sure your Instagram account is connected to your Facebook business page. 
  4. Select the product catalog that matches your URL. 
  5. Tap 'Done'


Once you've completed these steps, log back in to your Shopify admin and click on 'Instagram'  on the lefthand sidebar. If you see any error messages listed within this section, just reply to me here and let me know. Otherwise, if no errors are listed, try following these steps to add a product tag to an Instagram post or story via the Instagram app. 


Please keep me posted on how this goes! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0



I am having a similar issue. I have follow the steps above but I do not have the 'Shopping' listed after connecting my Facebook Page to my Instagram account. 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @taraye308


Thank you for jumping in with these details. I can certainly help look into this further. 


It sounds like you may not be seeing the 'Shopping'  option in your Instagram settings, is that correct? If so, please open up your Instagram app on your mobile device, and follow these steps:


  1. Visit your business profile. 
  2. Tap 'Edit profile'
  3. Select 'Page'
  4. Check to make sure your Facebook business page is linked to your account here. If it's not, go ahead and link it now. 


Once that's done, please open up Facebook, head to your business page, and follow these steps: 


  1. Click 'Settings'
  2. Select 'Instagram'
  3. Make sure your business Instagram account is linked here, not your personal account. 


Once you complete these steps, are you able to see the 'Shopping'  option in your Instagram app? Keep me posted! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0



Sorry to butt in on this thread but I am having the same issue (shopping is not coming up in my settings menu for my instagram account). I think I've checked everything you mentioned above (password enabled is unchecked; facebook and instagram are both business accounts and linked to each other), I have a shop as part of my business facebook page. I'm in Australia and think that this is enabled for us?


I would so appreciate any help could give me.


Many thanks


Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @jennjjohnston


There's no need to apologize - I'm glad you reached out about this! I'd love to help offer more assistance.  


Australia is one of Instagram's eligible markets, so the Instagram sales channel should work in your location, as long as you have the correct settings enabled, and have been approved by Instagram to use this feature. 


I do recommend double checking all of the steps shared above to make sure you have completed everything on Facebook's and Instagram's end correctly.


If you've already done this and you're still not seeing the 'Shopping'  option within your Instagram app, please check to see if there's an update available for the app. You can find this in the App Store if you're using an iOS device, or in the Google Play store if you're using an Android device. If an update is available, please update your app now. Once this is complete, check to see if you're able to access the 'Shopping' option within 'Settings'  on your Instagram app. 


I also suggest removing the Instagram app from your device, and re-downloading it, to see if this allows the 'Shopping'  option to appear.  


Let me know how this goes!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

New Member
4 0 0



I was wondering if you could help me connect my instragm business page to my shopify account. 

Every time I try to add instragm as a new sales channel it sales that the page was not found. 

Please please could you help me 🙂 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @R0siecheeks!


Thanks for reaching out about the troubles you're having. 


At what stage of following these steps to connect your Instagram account does this error appear?


Equally, can you please reply to me here with a screenshot of this error message? When sharing this image, make sure to block out any sensitive information, and just include the error message in your screenshot. Once I have this, I can help look into this situation further. 


In the meantime, I recommend working through the information here to ensure your business meets all the requirements of using the Instagram sales channel. 


I look forward to hearing back from you! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0

I am having a similar issue. I have follow the steps above but I do not have the 'Shopping' listed after connecting my Facebook Page to my Instagram account.

And even the SHOPPING show on Instagram I got this error ( look picture attached )IMG_1475.jpg

@Rae wrote:

Hi, @R0siecheeks!


Thanks for reaching out about the troubles you're having. 


At what stage of following these steps to connect your Instagram account does this error appear?


Equally, can you please reply to me here with a screenshot of this error message? When sharing this image, make sure to block out any sensitive information, and just include the error message in your screenshot. Once I have this, I can help look into this situation further. 


In the meantime, I recommend working through the information here to ensure your business meets all the requirements of using the Instagram sales channel. 


I look forward to hearing back from you! 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Zami147!


Thanks for reaching out. 


To confirm, did you connect your Facebook business page to your Instagram account directly in your Instagram app by following these steps?


  1. Visit your business profile. 
  2. Tap'Edit profile'
  3. Select'Page'
  4. Check to make sure your Facebook business page is linked to your account here. If it's not, go ahead and link it now. 

If so, please also ensure that your Instagram business account is linked to your Facebook business page. To do this, open up a new browser window, head to Facebook, navigate to your Facebook business page, and follow these steps: 


  1. Click'Settings'
  2. Select'Instagram'
  3. Make sure your business Instagram account is linked here, not your personal account. 

Once you've completed these steps, you'll be able to add your product catalog directly in your Instagram app by following these steps


In terms of the error showing on the bottom of your app, can you please confirm that your app is fully up to date? If an update is available for the Instagram app, this will show up in the App Store on your device. Additionally, I also recommend ensuring that your phone is updated and using the newest iOS software version available. 


Keep me posted on how this goes! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0


i did all those steps and im still got the same error.

my app and the IOS version in my iphone is uptated as well 


please help, Thanks

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Zami147

Thanks for following up with these details. 

Since this error is occurring within the Instagram app, I recommend reporting this problem to Instagram directly by following these steps. Additionally, this third-party document also has some tips on how to proceed when an error like this appears on Instagram. I suggest checking that out, and trying some of the outlined steps to see if that helps resolve the error. 

In the meantime though, it's a good idea to try setting up the Instagram sales channel from another device - like a tablet, or another mobile phone. In some cases, issues like this may be tied to the device being used, so establishing this connection via another device can be a great workaround. 

If you have any other questions or concerns that I can assist with, please let me know! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

Hey Rae! 

I’m getting an issue sort of similar except my issue is that my Instagram won’t connect with my Facebook even though the app and Facebook says that it is. The notification on Shopify says 


“The connected Business Manager doesn’t own any Instagram accounts. Add your Instagram account to the connected Business Manager...” 


However in the Facebook Business settings page, it says that the active Business Manager owns the Instagram page.. any advice?? Thanks!

10 0 2

Same problem here anyone found solution ? 



Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Tmcguire25 and @belsizeactive

Thank you both for posting about the troubles you're running into. 

Based on the errors you're receiving, it sounds like your Instagram accounts need to each be linked directly to your respective Facebook Business Manager accounts. With that said, I recommend following Facebook's steps here to complete this process, and link the accounts together. 

In addition to this, it's important to ensure that each of your Instagram accounts are also linked to your Facebook Business pages. To check this, please login to Facebook, navigate to your business page, and follow these steps: 

  1. Click'Settings'
  2. Select'Instagram'
  3. Make sure your business Instagram account is linked here, not your personal account. 

This information should get you both on the right track, but if you get stuck, let me know! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0

Hello I have been having the same issue. I contacted facebook as suggested in shopify and have no answers, so i cannot finish up setting the catalog. I can tag all the shopify products to instagram, but I cannot choose or edit the way the catalog pictures look. I only need to be able to connect instagram and I think I can do the rest. 

Here is what is telling me, I have been contacting shopify and facebook and NO answer!Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 08.52.25.png

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @luciasol

Thanks for jumping in to this thread, and sharing more details on the error you're receiving. 

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't had further help with this from Shopify, or Facebook, and I'd like to lend a hand. 

When this error appears, it means that the Instagram account that you're trying to link to your Facebook Channel in Shopify is already tied to another Facebook Commerce account. In order to resolve this, the other account must be deleted by Facebook. Then, you'll be able to link your Instagram to the correct Facebook Commerce account in Shopify. 

I know you mentioned that you've already tried to speak with Facebook about this, but I do recommend contacting them again via their Business Help Center. This is the best way to speak with them directly, and get their help with deleting the other Facebook Commerce account. 

Keep me posted on how this goes!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0
Thank you so much! this really helps! I have tried contacting through
business center. Is there anything else I can do?
10 0 2
This is a Facebook problem ... I didn’t believe but then if you google how to open Facebook business then Page administrator can help .
Just google about Facebook business and shopify it’s a bit complicate to explain I even don’t know how I manage it but I connected and it works
Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @luciasol

Awesome! I'm glad to hear that you've already contacted Facebook.

Their Business Help Center is the best way to reach them directly, so now that you've contacted them there they should get back to you shortly with more information. 

Let me know what they say! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 0

Im having the same exact issue. Is there a solution yet?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @jellyfishprinta

Thanks for letting me know. 

Can you please tell me a bit more about the specific issue you're running into?

If you're seeing any error messages please reply back to me here with a screenshot of the error you're seeing so that I can continue helping out with this. 

I hope to hear back from you soon! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

I've completed all of the steps for FB shopping AND IG shopping, and FB works great, but when I finally went to connect my IG, the error message says that shopping isn't available for my account. This doesn't entirely make sense because I can manually add items to my shop on IG, and my FB shop is successfully synced. Also, you can see in the screenshot of the error message that it says my FB and IG are eligible, but then the error comes up when I actually complete the step to connect it. 

I've already disconnected my FB Page from my IG business account, Switched my IG from business to personal, back to business, then reconnected to the FB page and it still does not work. I CAN add items to my shop in IG, but I'd like to have it sync up with my shopify store so that the inventory is consistent — not to mention the hassle of manually adding all of my items! FB is successfully set up and synced. 

Also, I have my US address updated, which is within an eligible territory.

I know that this may be a better question for FB/IG but I haven't been able to get a response from them in over 4 weeks! And I've tried to reach out multiple ways but they don't seem to have a support process for help with these issues.

Any thoughts on what I am missing or how to resolve this?




Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @madebycherise

I appreciate you reaching out with these details. 

To confirm, have you downloaded the Facebook channel to your Shopify admin? This channel is what helps connect Shopify stores to Facebook and Instagram. Check out more information on this here

If you are already using the Facebook channel, your store must meet the eligibility requirements listed here, and your store also must follow Facebook's policies and processes that are outlined here

Based on the screenshot you posted, it looks like your store has been marked as ineligible based on certain set up requirements. When you click the 'set up requirements' link in the red error message you shared, are you given further information about the eligibility requirement that your business doesn't meet?

Please keep me posted on this! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0
Hi! Thanks so much for the help.

Yes, I already have my FB Channel setup and it is working great. Setting
that up was a prerequisite to the step giving me an error message.

When I click on the link from the red error message, that you can see in
the screenshot, I am brought to a generic list of requirements, all of
which I seem to be in accordance with.

The weirdest part is that my IG already has shopping enabled. I've
successfully set up my shop via manual, one-off products. So my IG shop is
up and running, I just am unable to sync it with shopify for some reason
that I cannot figure out.
Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @madebycherise

Thanks for getting back to me with this information. 

I know you mentioned that you've already tried to reach out to Facebook and Instagram about this, however, speaking with them directly is likely the best way to resolve this situation as they'll be able to determine why this error is appearing. 

In the meantime though, there are some troubleshooting steps that might help resolve this situation, such as: 

  • Checking this Facebook account link to determine if any issues are tied to your Facebook page. 
  • Ensuring the footer on your website has a Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Return Policy. If you don't have these set up yet, you can do this directly in your Shopify admin under 'Settings > Legal'
  • Ensuring your Privacy Policy contains information about data sharing, which is outlined here

If those troubleshooting steps don't help resolve things, then I really suggest reaching back out to Facebook and Instagram support for more assistance with this. 

Thank you! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

3 0 0

Thanks for the reply —

I actually think this is a Shopify bug, because I already have active items in my Instagram Shop. I am able to add products manually to my Instagram Store — so Instagram is not blocking me from having a store, I am only blocked from connecting it to Shopify. This is why I think that Shopify is running up against something. Can you please check the error logs and let me know what errors you are seeing on the backend? Alternatively, is there a support team that I can talk to to help resolve this? My shop is

As I am sure you know, it is nearly impossible to get a response from IG or FB, they don't have any active support channels. I've already contacted them in a few different formats, but it has been over a month with no response. Do you have an internal Instagram contact that you could reach out to on my behalf? There has to be some internal shopify team that managers the Shopify <-> Instagram connector. This is likely a bug that they would want to resolve for other users as well. 

If I were to sum up the issue in one sentence it would be this: My Instagram shop is active, but it cannot connect to my Shopify Store, even though my Facebook Commerce store (which has the same policies) is working perfectly. This is why this issue is a Shopify issue and not a FB/IG issue.

The error message that I get is the following, but the link does not help me understand what the issue is.

 Instagram Shopping isn’t available for your account. Learn more about set up requirements.

Also, I checked each of the suggestions you provided but they do not seem to be the issue:

- No issues tied to my Facebook page, in fact my facebook commerce manager is working great.

- My footer includes a Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Return Policy.

- My Privacy Policy contains information about data sharing.

Thanks for your continued help!

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @madebycherise

I appreciate these extra details. 

While the Instagram channel is fully supported by Facebook and Instagram directly, our team will be happy to take a look at things on our end to make sure everything looks correct from our perspective. 

However, in order to be able to check if there's an issue on the Shopify side of your account, we will need to properly verify your account. To get started with this, please reach out to our Support team via our Help Center using this link. Once you open that link and log in to your account, you'll be able to speak with our team about this further over live chat, email, or through a callback. 

We hope to hear from you soon! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

I need help. I'm in the U.S., my business account is activated on Instagram, have all the requirements for a shop on Instagram it says this "This Instagram can't be selected because checkout on Facebook or Instagram is only available in some countries. If you want to select this Instagram, go back and choose a different checkout method" 

I don't know what to change or do. It would be appreciated if you could help me.

Thank you!

10 0 2
I would suggest you to start from the scratch !

How do you manage connection in Facebook business manager or from Shopify ?

1 0 0

I keep getting this 

my account and everything is ready and peope can even see my items as I’m on the basic plan and there’s no password on. But still Instagram says they can’t see my items but everyone can when I send the link so I don’t know why please 


Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @Marianney_0

Thanks for letting me know about this error.

You mentioned that when you share your URL, your items are visible on your online store. However, based on the error message you're receiving, I do recommend double checking this to confirm. To do this on each individual product, you can follow these steps. To complete this in bulk on all of your products instead though, check out these steps: 

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin 
  2. Click on 'Products > All products' 
  3. Click on the master checkbox shown here 
  4. If you have more than 50 products in your store, click on the blue text that says 'Select all 50+ products in your store' 
  5. Click 'Edit products' 
  6. Click 'Add fields' 
  7. Under the 'Sales channels' section, click 'Available to Online Store' 
  8. Go through the bulk editor and ensure each product has a checkmark in the 'Available to Online Store' column 
  9. Click 'Save' in the top righthand corner when you're done

If this error is still appearing in your admin once you've complete these steps, please reply back to me here with a link to your live site so I can take a closer look. 

I hope to hear back from you about this soon! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

I am having the same issue when trying to connect my Instagram to Insta shopping.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1166 95 366

Hi, @apearce

I'm happy to help with the issue you're having.

Can you please confirm exactly what's happening on your end? Are you receiving a specific error message? If so, feel free to share a screenshot of the error with me here so I can take a closer look at this. 

I look forward to receiving more details from you!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.