Why is my address associated with packages I never receive?

Why is my address associated with packages I never receive?

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How can I find out about items that were mailed associated with my address (possibly my address as the billing address or as a secondary address)? For example--if I didn't buy through shopify, but someone is using my address associated with purchases? I have had this occur and the carrier cannot help me (I am aware because I received both text and email notifications of packages arriving and then of them supposedly being delivered and tried to track them down only to be told that they were delivered to a second address listed as the "delivery address". 


My concern is why my information is associated with another person. I have a recent tracking number.  Can it be looked up that way? Or is there a way to make a report that I did not receive the item sent (and it seems it wasn't meant for me so my info should not be on it.)


I have done all I can do in resolving this via the carrier, etc. 

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