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Where did the save cart function go in the POS app? It converted all my carts to draft orders. I can no longer make changes to the order and save it again from my POS. Very frustrating as this is how we keep track of clients orders.
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Hi Folks,
I've connected with the team handling this feature change and I want to apologize as the information and resources I had access to were out of date and incorrect.
I previously noted that the "Save A Cart" feature had moved to POS Pro plans, this was not right. As many of you noted, this feature is no longer available and has changed to "Save as Draft Order". I sincerely apologize for any confusion my previous post may have created, and I will update it to reflect the correct details.
While all merchants have the ability to create a draft order via the store admin, the Save As Draft Order tile and functionality in the POS app is only available to merchants on the POS Pro plan.
I also was able to connect with the team to share your feedback, and while the Save a Cart feature itself will not be returning, they are actively working on changes to the workflow of the draft order feature so that it is as easy and as streamlined to use as you would like it to be. This is something being addressed directly, so I expect to see workflow improvements in the near future. I can't offer a timeline at this stage, but I'll be happy to update you as I receive more information on this.
Thank you again for your feedback and energy in this thread! Please feel free to continue sharing constructive feedback with us.
I have marked this reply as a "Solution" so that anyone coming across this thread can find this updated information about the feature and it's availability.
Shay | Social Care @ Shopify
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Big area of opportunity for Shopify to improve the user experience - 1) actually email your users when you intend on removing functionality and 2) plan for actual quality control checks prior to pushing changes to users.
In many software companies now there is a big disconnect between the development team changes and how the users actually use a system. It gets pushed out, they wait for the complaints to roll in, then maybe action it. All the while, setting up users for frustration and anger, and opening the door for competitors to gain an advantage. There are no decent all in one systems for retailers with brick and mortar with omni channel right now. You must stay with the devil you know, or accept the best of a bad lot. This is a huge opportunity for a company to come in and pick up all these businesses who are sick of the pain points the current systems put in place. That company could be Shopify if they would listen to their user base, and change the business model from a complaints based semi-check on devs, to a proper procedure where they learn how their customers use their product.
And most platforms with that process have no way for a customer to freeze their software version to avoid disruption during keys events.
Prime example of shopify is changes that rollout with no notice on black friday when all friction needs to be minimized.
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Can you get an update on the status of this??????
We are getting bogged down more and more each day with the additional administration of these draft orders.
Working well into the evening to 'keep things clean'. We do not let staff go into Admin. So this means we need to:
- go to Draft Orders
- look at the order amount and name (if we knew it)
- then go into Completed Orders and see if it was actually a POS sale completed
- then go back into Draft Orders to delete.
- this is absolutely ridiculous and archaic design
-I had requested that the CHANNEL be a filter in Draft Orders so we could easily see what was created via the POS, and do
a bulk delete. Logging it with support is futile. Would have been a very easy thing to do. This is just too frustrating.
Small businesses have enough challenges now...we don't need them behind the scenes.
Would appreciate if you could check for us.
Shopify has no idea how their own customers use their platform! I was forced over to Shopify because Quickbooks POS disbanded. After months of work, I got Shopify to work for our brick and mortar. A key piece to this working successfully was the saved cart feature. Now a feature that I was sold in my move to Shopify has been taken away and similar functionality is an upgrade? This change has me looking for an alternative POS system (which I should have done when Quickbooks POS died). What an idiotic change.
This is impacting our team as well. How can we get more info on the progress on fix?
Hi @Shay,
I won't write what I want to write, because you will likely close my account because it would be very blunt.
Instead I will say can you add a +1 to bringing back a saved cart feature on my behalf.
In a busy shop, you need to be able to quickly save a cart, serve someone else and then retrieve the old cart.
It was fine. What you've changed it to is an utter car crash. Awful, Awful, Awful user journey.
I have also filed a complaint with Shopify. I recommend that others do the same. I really can't emphasize strongly enough that this feature is necessary for us to continue using Shopify POS. If we have to change our POS, as a practical matter, we will also have to replace Shopify we well. The more people that add their voice to this discussion, the better off we all are.
Please go to support chat and ask to talk to a Support Advisor (it's just another chat, but with a person at the other end).
Ask to have your concern forwarded to the development team. Below is the link for help.
When you get in, say you wish to talk to a Support Advisor. It will want you to select your store then put you in queue.
Link to support is :
Change will only happen if enough people do this, and even then it's a long shot from past experience. fingers crossed
I did this.
Awesome!!! Thanks
That was a fairly useless exercise - I reported but sounds like they are not going to bring it back. We have to upgrade and pay a feature I use 10 times a month - but need when I have large orders.
I'm confused every time someone mentions upgrading and paying for the feature...We have POS Pro and it's not part of that. Is there another level of POS and is it guaranteed that this save cart feature is part of that upgrade? Isn't that illegal to take something that's part of a subscription service and then all the sudden make people pay to keep it?
I also got that answer from a Support Advisor when I spoke with them. They said that it was available in POS PRO. I replied to them that we are already on it. Then they went on a long-winded reply that you have to use the Draft Order tile now and that the Save Cart is not available anymore. In so many words, they said it will not be brought back.
Super discouraging.
Re: Isn't that illegal to take something that's part of a subscription service and then all the sudden make people pay to keep it?
Not the first time something like this has happened.
Were you on Shopify when they 'revamped' the POS Lite (before it was called POS Lite) and the functionality they took out of that
made most shop owners have to go to POS PRO ($89/mo) in order to do 'business as usual'? That really hurt.
Very unethical. I know they were growing like gangbusters then, but still, communication was pretty much non-existent.
They just don't know how to collaborate with their customers. Maybe we are too small. I don't know, but it shouldn't matter.
I'm looking at another POS tomorrow to see if it is even a little bit affordable.
These times are tough, and putting more workload on the store owners is the last thing we need right now.
Sorry.... got on my soapbox.
Let's keep our fingers crossed it is a quickfix...and a smart one!
I filed a complaint as well...
After some back and forth with a help rep I finally got some responses that made me feel like they were starting to get the problem. For example, "I can sense the importance of this removed feature was for your business Judah, my POS specialist informed me that already they are receiving similar feedback about this situation and they are currently working in order to improve this feature for our merchants."
And: "And my specialist team and I are currently passing all of your feedback to our developers , trust me, if our new features are not being like helpful to our merchants, they should be working on a new one that meets our merchant requirements"
I mean, bless their hearts for finally listening. But after a month of this, and we're still not seeing any fixes, I'm 100% not waiting around. I made a complaint with them on day 1, and if they are getting this much pushback they should have taken action WAY sooner.
I second this! This function is so integral to how we operate. Bring back saved carts! Draft orders are an entirely separate workflow than POS, and customers love to adjust their orders while we are ringing out other guests, so this new system completely destroys out ability to quickly make changes and really gums up the checkout process.
I was also really annoyed to find this feature gone. I have a bricks and mortar shop and am often serving 2 people at the same time - its easy to save the cart and retrieve later. I don't believe this should be a paid feature.
Also, how about ADVISING their customers that a feature is being removed/replaced?
I vote to bring this feature back.
This functionality, which is essential for a POS, has now been switched to the POS Pro version for $89/month. It's not very commercial to remove essential functionality for a merchant in order to extort additional dollars.
You are incorrect. NO POS versions have a save cart feature anymore. NONE OF THEM. Pay or don't pay - you will not get a saved cart feature. We've been paying for Pro for years, and they keep removing functionality.
It is not in the POS Pro version. I have Pro and save cart is missing. It now has draft orders, which I love, but they are two different things. Neither Lite or Pro has the features POS brick and mortars need at this point.
Adding a fresh comment here to highlight a couple other annoyances we've discovered about this "save as draft order" function, and further proof of why it is not the same functionality as the "Save Cart" feature we so desperately want back. For us, it's showing all the saved draft orders on POS as having a date of Nov 2019 when viewed on the POS. Resetting the account did not fix it. Not that it matters, we hate everything about this, so a wrong date is the least of our worries. but it speaks to there still being a glitch with this new function. We have also noticed that draft orders cannot have discount codes saved to them -- it gives a "Can't Save Cart" warning like pictured. In our case, a lot of the browsers in our stores are industry clients who get discounts on certain products, and they often make many modifications before deciding (based on the discounted pricing and the budget they are permitted to spend by their workplace). Having to re-added the discount code or the line item discounts every single time we pull up the draft order on POS is ridiculous. Not to mention if we wanted to actually email them or their superior a draft order from the POS based on what they picked out in-store, the POS version would not match the pricing we'd be offering them, so we'd still need to go on the computer on our admin and modify the order with the discount codes. So it's.... useless even as a draft order let alone as a pseudo "save cart".
I honestly find it hard to believe they have beta test stores - we found out in seconds that none of this works as intended.
@LaurenMcNicol In My Opinion-- it seems they decided to use the already existing draft order process in Shopify Admin to
replace the very simple, easy to use 'Save Cart' process that worked correctly. And it was done without fully understanding
the importance of it in the POS.
We understand the need to not allow discount codes on draft orders, since many draft orders have prices manipulated
or special circumstances allowed for a customer - and we don't need them to apply any more discounts we may have already
worked into the draft. Especially after we have spent the time to put it together for them. However, they don't apply to the
POS process. Shopify developers do not seem to understand how shop owners use it or they are too lazy to make it work.
Lauren... a well written statement. You may want to copy it and post it in area of this community forum for POS system posts.
Maybe it will get more attention?? Worth a shot
The Save Draft Order feature has been improved. Products can now be added to the draft order, and unused draft orders can now also be deleted using the POS. One nice new feature about Save Draft Order that was not supported under the Save Cart feature is that the draft order seems to synchronize among POS devices, which is convenient.
However, as Lauren points out, Draft Orders do not support discounts, which is a significant limitation to this otherwise useful feature.
If Shopify is reading this thread, the Save Draft Order feature could serve as a replacement for the Save Cart if this limitation is fixed.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Shopify recently posted in this thread that they don't plan to bring back the Save Cart feature. For the record on this matter, I just want to post what Shopify previously posted about how "essential" this feature is. It would be nice if their development team could read what their sales team wrote, because this content is accurate. This content is from the Shopify website, presented as a key advantage of using the Shopify POS.
Source: Shopify Website, republished here on 3/18/2024, about 2 weeks after Shopify removed this feature with NO notice to POS subscribers.
Saving and retrieving carts is the easiest way for Shopify merchants to confidently serve multiple customers, keep checkout moving fast, and convert abandoned store sales into revenue.
Serving more than one customer at a time is an essential part of being an effective store employee. But if your store has a small retail team or serves a high volume of customers, it can be difficult to do that effectively.
Even if store staff manage to juggle serving multiple customers, oftentimes they need to re-enter the customer’s items in the point of sale system at checkout to complete the transaction. The result is an inefficient and repetitive checkout experience that leaves both store staff and customers feeling like things could have gone smoother.
That’s where saving and retrieving carts in Shopify POS comes in handy. When multiple customers are shopping at once, it’s the best way to keep track of people’s orders without multiple re-entries or writing notes including the item number and customer name for the cashier to process the sale.
Saving and retrieving carts is the easiest way for Shopify merchants to confidently serve multiple customers, keep checkout moving fast, and even convert abandoned store sales into revenue.
Save cart is a tool that lets store staff save a customer’s cart and retrieve it later. Save cart makes it easier for store staff to keep checkout moving fast and convert more no-shows into sales.
For store staff, saved carts help them serve multiple customers without losing track or having to prepare the same order twice. They can quickly toggle between saved carts, pick up where they left off, and close sales. When a customer leaves the store and doesn’t come back, store staff can also send the cart by email. If the customer completes a purchase via the email, staff are credited for making the sale even if it happened online.
For store owners, saving carts is a great tool for collecting customer contact information. Store staff can create customer profiles—including the customer’s name, phone number, and email address–and associate it to the saved cart. This makes it easier to find a customer’s saved cart when they come back to complete the purchase. It also helps merchants grow their email list, fuel remarketing campaigns, and grow revenue.
For customers, saved carts give them flexibility. They can visit other shops and take their time before making a purchase and, if they decide to buy, their order is ready and checkout will be efficient. As soon as items are reserved in a shopper’s cart, that inventory is reserved and not available to be bought until the cart is cleared.
All that makes saving and retrieving carts an essential part of any merchant’s in-store workflows. It can fuel your marketing while improving customer service, checkout efficiency, and store conversions.
For retailers with small teams or who serve a high volume of customers, saving carts in your Shopify POS and retrieving them later helps improve checkout efficiency while giving shoppers a more flexible customer experience. They can leave the store and come back later, knowing their order is ready and that items haven’t been sold in the meantime.
Let’s dive into the benefits saving and retrieving carts offers both you and your customers:
Saving and retrieving carts is an accessible way to speed up your store’s checkout.
Let’s say the customer you’re checking out forgets their wallet or needs to go grab another item. Rather than wait for them to come back and keep the line held up, you can save their cart, check out the next person in line, and retrieve the customer’s cart when they come back.
The order’s details—including items, applicable discounts or promotions, notes, and the order total—are saved so you can complete the checkout quicker.
If a shopper wants to visit other stores before making a decision, saving their cart ensures you’re ready when they come back.
Store staff can load the shopper’s cart with the items they were interested in, save it, and come back to it later once the shopper returns. All items will be ready, so you can avoid asking the customer which items they wanted and having to re-add them to the cart again.
When you serve multiple customers at once, switching conversations makes it challenging to keep track of which products each person you served was interested in. For small retail teams who often find themselves serving more than one customer at a time, saved carts ensure they make fewer mistakes and customer service is efficient.
Rather than relying on memory or handwritten notes, store staff can build a cart with the items a customer was interested in, save it, and move on to serving other customers.
When used in tandem with Shopify’s send cart feature, saving carts is an accessible way to convert more no-shows into sales.
Rather than lose the sale, store staff can view saved carts at the end of their shift and send them to customers by email. If the customer completes a purchase via the email, the store staff who sent the email gets credit for closing the sale—even if it happened online rather than in-store.
Now that you’re familiar with the benefits of saving and retrieving carts, let’s go over how it works in four simple steps.
Once the shopper finds which products they’re interested in, store staff add those items to their cart in Shopify POS, just like they would for a traditional sale.
We recommend attaching the customer’s profile to the cart. When the customer comes back, store staff can search for their cart by name and find the order faster.
If the customer doesn’t come back to complete their purchase, attaching a customer profile to the cart enables store staff to send the cart to their email address and potentially close the sale.
If the customer already has a profile, you can search for it from the Shopify POS home screen. If they don’t have a customer profile, create one, collect their contact information, and associate it with the order.
Once the customer’s profile has been associated with the order, store staff can select Save cart after clicking More actions on the cart screen. Carts are saved to the POS terminal, so staff can log in and view carts saved on any tablet or smartphone with the Shopify POS app installed.
Once the cart is saved, you can safely serve another customer and retrieve it later.
To view all the carts you saved, select View saved carts from the Shopify POS home screen. From here, you’ll see all the carts saved over the past 24 hours, the customer associated with each saved cart, and when they were saved.
To retrieve the cart and complete the sale, select the cart you’d like to view.
When the customer is ready to pay, proceed to checkout and take payment like you normally would to complete the sale.
Now that you know how saving and retrieving a cart works in Shopify POS, let’s go over some tips to use them effectively and maximize store revenue.
One of the biggest benefits of saving carts is the ability to close a sale even if the customer leaves your store and doesn’t return. To set up that opportunity, though, you need to collect the customer’s contact information.
When saving the customer’s cart, ask them if they’d like to share their name and contact information to make it easier for store staff to retrieve the cart when they return. This makes checkout more efficient if the customer comes back while ensuring store staff can send the cart via email if the customer doesn’t return to the store to complete their purchase.
To speed up service for shoppers who return to your store to complete their purchase, consider adding a shortcut to your Shopify POS home screen.
Rather than manually searching for orders, adding a View saved carts tile to your home screen helps store staff find and complete orders that were saved faster.
When customers come back to complete their purchase, store staff have a great opportunity to recommend complementary items and increase the value of the sale.
To do this more effectively, we recommend using apps like Marsello or Frequently Bought Together. With these apps, store staff will see related products in the checkout screen, making it easier than ever to make more relevant recommendations and increase order value.
To ensure as many saved carts convert into revenue as possible, we recommend that store staff clear their saved carts at the end of each shift.
Clear saved carts by sending them to customers via email in Shopify POS. If the customer buys something, the staff who sent the email cart will get credit for making the sale in Shopify’s staff reports. If your staff get commission for each sale they make, this also ensures they maximize their earning potential.
One of the reasons customers love shopping in-person is that it allows them to interact with products and store staff before deciding what to buy—but if you have a smaller retail team or serve a high volume of customers, one-to-one customer service may not always be possible.
Saving and retrieving carts is an accessible tool to help store staff serve multiple customers at once and keep track of the items they’re interested in without relying on memory. That makes for a smoother and more efficient checkout experience for both store staff and shoppers.
Saving carts is also a powerful tool that fuels both sales and your marketing efforts. Collect customer contact information when saving carts to build your email list and fuel your remarketing campaigns, and use Shopify’s send cart feature to convert unrealized saved carts into sales.
Well done in posting this. I am disgusted that the original Shopify 'social care' staff member has gone ahead and marked this issue as 'solved' when clearly it is not. What she means is that she wants to remove this from the active posts, so users will not find it as easy and it will stop being a thorn in the sides of Shopify. I don't know why they continue to even sell the POS service, they continue to remove all functions from it. My in-store tech support suggested they are trying to retire the POS by slowly removing all the functions, forcing the user base to find alternative solutions.
This is awful! I thought our Draft Order app did this. We need Save to Cart back immediately! Draft orders do not copy notes to cart, takes 10 times longer to retrieve an active cart, saves multiple copies of drafts every single time we have to save our active customer cart. We did not ask for this change nor do we approve. Please fix NOW!
Only way to effect change is to make it painful for Shopify with the sheer volume of complaints. You need to use the AI bot and ask to speak with customer service and then explain via the chat that you need the save cart feature returned.
Also, report every ‘bug’ directly from POS. Like how when you edit a draft order in POS, you can no longer send it to the customer.
I was in a Reddit forum where this was blowing up as well. Anyway - someone posted something useful. They recommended a Bar Tab app (approx $9 p/m) to do this. Works for saved orders for anything. Anyway, I have downloaded this as a stopgap and am prepared to pay to have the functionality. It's a bit clunky - but it does the job better than keeping tabs on paper and entering them all in at the end of the day when everyone wants to settle up at the same time!
UbarTab - Bar Tabs, Open Carts
We're leaving Shopify POS for this specific reason. The change has made the functionality of the app useless for our business.
We are hunting for a replacement POS also. Have you found a viable replacement?
We checked out Lightspeed, but it is an all inclusive platform and we would have to leave Shopify entirely. Not ready for all that work at this point (maybe in the near future if this keeps up). We are just looking for another standalone POS app.
Anyone found one yet? We don't have tons of time to any ideas would be appreciated. Thx
We're in talks with Heartland about their POS... Seems to fit our needs better anyway.
Plus I'd love to have the ability to split tabs like we used to be able to when we were with Shopkeep.
I am a POS Pro customer and a retail store owner who also desperately needs this feature to return.
The new "Draft Order" option is extremely clunky. It used to take twice as many clicks to save and open draft orders, versus using saved carts (more if you already have an order open on the "orders" tab in the app). It is much more for employees to learn and memorize. It slows us down when there is a rush in our store.
Draft orders on the POS screen also are mixing up drafts from both POS and Shopify Admin (the channel filter at the top is not working) so it can be hard to locate the correct draft order.
Hi there.
I think the latest update they did is as good as it is going to get.
If you go to Orders/Draft Orders on the POS app, that should single out all the ones created by the POS app and not have any that were created in Shopify Admin included. We have no issue with our 'real' draft orders being shown under the Draft filter. Now we are able at end of day to just go into that filter under Orders and delete the drafts
Other than that, it is my opinion that is all that is going to be done. Sad, but true I presume.
It's driving me crazy that Shopify keeps updating the POS with worse and worse "features". Why do they keep changing things that's been working fine and turn them into things that's a nightmare for me and my staff to use. Bring the saved cart back please, we have a lot of customers at our brick and mortar locations and sometimes customers decide to go pick up something else right before checkout. We used to be able to save cart and serve the next customer and when the first customer returns, we can continue proceeding with their order quickly and smoothly. Now with the draft order change, we can't add discounts after retrieving from draft order and it's a pain to delete the order from POS (we'll have to go into admin for that). What the heck?? Why is Shopify continuously making our lives difficult...
They changed the "add customer" tile now as well. Don't even know what's the point of this change. Shopify should ask their users to vote for whether a feature is changed or implemented before applying them.
The add customer change (along with the save cart, and they stopped pushing pick up and delivery notifications to the POS) are all evidence of Shopify successfully implementing their mandate for staff to create chaos (read the careers page for Shopify). Obviously the team that is coding changes to the POS never uses it. No one would implement the changes they have if they had to use it daily (ask every single POS cashier using it right now if they like any of these changes).
Once you accept that the company mandate is to ensure there is NO stability for the product or end user, it's less painful. We continue to search for another provider while simultaneously hoping that Shopify has an entire company overhaul of how they do business and realize that stores need a stable system to work within. Some days I am successful at accepting this and my frustration is reduced, other days I'm at full frustration at how much I pay for something that they continue to remove functionality from.
These continuous changes will push POS users away from this system. Shopify recently came out with videos on how to make better use of the POS system, that were immediately out of date the minute they posted them. If they are willing to waste money on producing videos like that which are immediately irrelevant before as they are pushing it out, there is a lack of communication or process change evident. Accept, and move on with your work arounds for a more peaceful day. I'm going to go take some deep breaths now too.
I've been trying to look for another POS system that would integrate well with Shopify and allow us to keep using our current loyalty program (Smile). Much appreciated if you have any suggestions... I'm in the Asia region. Thanks in advance!
Magestore is a Magento POS system and is dedicated to Magento only. It is not compatible with other eCommerce website platforms such as Shopify
You aren't the first person to mention this. I've been warned that changes like this show a company that is trying to wean out a service.
@phciderYes, we are also thinking #2 is where they are heading...but they have been advertising it more also, which is weird ... and troubling...since it's a terrible app. We looked at Lightspeed...but the POS is not standalone and we aren't up to go completely to another platform yet as we need to concentrate on income right now. They also did not have discounted shipping prices which was a deal-breaker for us. It looks like there really aren't platforms that focus on brick & mortar small businesses solutions. Everything is e-commerce focused now.
Am demo'ing Heartland POS next week, but they are really pushing other services (credit card processing) I am figuring it will be the same case with them. The POS service itself probably doesn't bring in much money. Looks like it is not going to be easy to find a standalone POS that interfaces with Shopify.
Feedback on any other POS apps would be appreciated. Thanks to all
We're switching to Heartland this week. Hold your ground and tell them you don't need credit card processing (unless you do).
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