Why isn't my breadcrumb code working on my online store?

Why isn't my breadcrumb code working on my online store?

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Hello i use this code for my shopify store but it wont let me click on the previous category. Can anyone make it the others clickable?



{% unless template == 'index' or template == 'cart' or template == 'list-collections' %}
<nav class="breadcrumb" role="navigation" aria-label="breadcrumbs">
<div class="page-width">
<a href="/" title="Home">Home</a>

{% if template contains 'page' %}
<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

<span>{{ page.title }}</span>

{% elsif template contains 'product' %}
{% if collection.url %}
<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

{{ collection.title | link_to: collection.url }}
{% endif %}

<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

<span>{{ product.title }}</span>

{% elsif template contains 'collection' and collection.handle %}
<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

{% if current_tags %}
{% capture url %}/collections/{{ collection.handle }}{% endcapture %}

{{ collection.title | link_to: url }}

<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

<span>{{ current_tags | join: ' + ' }}</span>

{% else %}
<span>{{ collection.title }}</span>
{% endif %}

{% elsif template == 'blog' %}
<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

{% if current_tags %}
{{ blog.title | link_to: blog.url }}

<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

<span>{{ current_tags | join: ' + ' }}</span>

{% else %}
<span>{{ blog.title }}</span>
{% endif %}

{% elsif template == 'article' %}
<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

{{ blog.title | link_to: blog.url }}

<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

<span>{{ article.title }}</span>

{% else %}
<span aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>

<span>{{ page_title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}


can anyone help me?


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