Why isn't my domain verifying on the new store?

Why isn't my domain verifying on the new store?

2 0 0

Hi, I get a message saying "The connection of glowfestive.com is not yet verified. Come back later to retry verification."

I have set the a record to

Set the CNAME also to shops.myshopify.com.


This domain was my domain for my old store, I have deleted it from the old store and now just waiting for it to verify on the new one but isn't happening can anyone help me?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
291 37 53



Some Time it's take time, how much time are still inprogress?

Custom theme and app [remix] expert.

Email: irfan.sarwar.khan30@gmail.com
Chat on WhatsApp
2 0 0

Now its saying



I have already set the a record

Shopify Partner
291 37 53

Hello @glowfestive 


First you use squarespace for your website, now you want to connect squarespace domain to shopify, if you are not using square space anymore, you transfer your domain to shopify.

Custom theme and app [remix] expert.

Email: irfan.sarwar.khan30@gmail.com
Chat on WhatsApp