Why won't Stocky recognize our ISBN-barcodes when scanning a book?

Why won't Stocky recognize our ISBN-barcodes when scanning a book?

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We're doing inventory for our store using Stocky - I was able to set it up and get to scanning, but it will only recognize barcodes that we created through Shopify. 

Our inventory is tagged with Shopify generated barcodes, EXCEPT for books, which we entered into the Shopify "ISBN/Barcode" field of the product page. The POS is able to recognize these when scanned and we can ring them up as is. 

However, in Stocky, when we try to scan a book, it beeps as though it doesn't recognize the item at all? Is there any way to fix this? Are we supposed to enter the ISBN in the "SKU" field as well?!

We were able to scan other items without a SKU (just a barcode #), so I'm extremely confused. 

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Hey @wilburncha Screenshot can be helpful for me in order to gave you solution.

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