Why wont my website content update after editing it on the Shopify website editor

Why wont my website content update after editing it on the Shopify website editor

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My Shopify website won’t show certain sections that are added when editing in the Shopify website editor page. Then when I check on the Shopify editing page, the additions are there but they still do not appear on the website store itself. One image with text sector was accidentally deleted but even after adding it back in the editing page, it still does not appear on my website store. The instagenie add-on is also enable and shows on the Shopify editor but not on the website itself. I’ve tried clearing all my tabs and reloading my page several time but nothing seems to be working. How can I fix this?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
83 7 20



If you are using multiple markets, it is possible that you've made the customizations to a certain market, rather than the default one. 

When you open the Customize area of the theme, make sure you are editing the default market from this dropdown:


Please test this and let me know if it works.

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