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Automating Item Tag Synchronization in Business Central and Shopify Connector

Automating Item Tag Synchronization in Business Central and Shopify Connector

Shopify Partner
1 0 0


I am using the Business Central and Shopify Connector extension and need assistance with automating the assignment of item tags. Specifically:

  1. How can I assign tags to items in Business Central in advance so that they automatically sync with Shopify as part of the integration?
  2. I want this process to be seamless and dynamic, so any new tags added in Business Central are automatically synchronized with Shopify without needing manual input.

Could you please guide me on how to set this up? If specific configurations, mappings, or extensions are needed, I’d appreciate detailed instructions or recommendations.

Thank you for your support!

Best regards,


1288 151 250

Hey Patrick,


Have you spoken to the BC Support team?


I just scoured the online docs for you there and essentially you navigate to the Shopify Shops list and select the relevant shop to open its Shopify Shop Card. You then enable Item Synchronization setting the Sync Item field to To Shopify to ensure that items in Business Central are prepared for export to Shopify. You then allow Updates to Shopify Products by enabling the Can Update Shopify Product option allowing BC to push updates, including tags, to Shopify automatically. Then assign Tags to Items in BC - open the Item Card and in the Items list and select the item you wish to tag to open its Item Card. Then add Tags in the Tags field (personalize the page to display this field) and enter your tags for the item and synchronize Items to Shopify manually. 


After assigning tags, you can manually synchronize the item by selecting the Add Item to Shopify action. For continuous automation, set up a job queue in Business Central to run the item synchronization process at regular intervals to ensure that any new or updated tags in Business Central are automatically synchronized with Shopify without manual intervention. In Shopify, navigate to the Products and select a product to verify that the tags from Business Central have been successfully applied.


The integration between Business Central and Shopify is designed to facilitate seamless data synchronization, including item tags. Users have found that configuring the synchronization settings appropriately and utilizing the job queue for automated updates significantly reduces manual workload and ensures data consistency across platforms.


Here some links: