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Direct debit authorisation

Direct debit authorisation

1 0 0

Dear Sir or Madam,

you deducted €45.07 last month and €59.41 today, why?

Shopify costs 36€, right?



Gianfranco D‘Aprea 


Shopify Staff (Retired)
19233 3006 4433

Hey @Gilandro23 


Thanks for your question and you have reached the German community here but we can chat in English too, that's no problem!



When you receive monthly subscription fee from Shopify you can go into your admin -> settings -> billing area ("Abrechnung"), to see this particular bill and its breakdown. In this case it looks like you got charged for an app or 2 on top of your monthly Shopify bill.



Do you want to save a lot of money for your monthly Shopify bill? Did you know you can switch to the annual billing (settings -> plan) and pay a lot less for Shopify as I demonstrate from my own Test store here:



For all those that open a new store, it would even cost €24/month if the annual billing is chosen: 



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Gabe | Social Care @ Shopify
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