FROM CACHE - de_header
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icon cart wrong place

icon cart wrong place

3 0 0

My new added icon cart is on the wrong place and does not match with the other icons on the header. How do I make them match again. Here is the code:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
width="512.000000pt" height="512.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 900.000000 900.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">

<g transform="translate(0.000000,512.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M78 4789 c-43 -22 -78 -81 -78 -129 0 -50 35 -107 80 -130 37 -19 58
-20 444 -20 l406 0 5 -22 c13 -53 535 -2408 535 -2413 0 -2 -19 -14 -42 -26
-24 -12 -68 -47 -98 -78 -134 -138 -165 -328 -82 -505 58 -124 183 -220 321
-246 30 -5 117 -10 195 -11 109 -1 131 -3 97 -10 -227 -44 -391 -278 -353
-505 41 -245 270 -415 508 -376 196 32 344 180 376 376 38 227 -126 461 -353
505 -26 5 375 9 971 9 596 0 997 -4 971 -9 -227 -44 -391 -278 -353 -505 32
-196 180 -344 376 -376 238 -39 467 131 508 376 38 227 -126 461 -353 505 -34
7 -11 9 99 10 122 1 149 4 182 21 45 23 80 80 80 130 0 50 -35 107 -80 130
-39 20 -56 20 -1430 20 -1374 0 -1391 0 -1430 20 -45 23 -80 80 -80 130 0 45
35 107 73 127 30 17 117 18 1439 23 1401 5 1407 5 1434 26 15 11 36 31 46 45
20 26 628 2142 628 2184 0 45 -37 103 -80 125 -39 20 -55 20 -1888 20 l-1849
0 -54 247 c-39 179 -61 257 -79 284 -44 69 -41 69 -578 69 -455 -1 -479 -2
-514 -21z m4688 -896 c-3 -10 -118 -415 -257 -900 l-252 -883 -1243 0 -1244 0
-5 23 c-3 12 -91 407 -195 877 -104 470 -192 865 -195 878 l-5 22 1700 0
c1616 0 1701 -1 1696 -17z m-2746 -3003 c45 -23 80 -80 80 -130 0 -76 -74
-150 -150 -150 -76 0 -150 74 -150 150 0 48 35 107 78 129 48 26 93 26 142 1z
m2120 0 c45 -23 80 -80 80 -130 0 -76 -74 -150 -150 -150 -76 0 -150 74 -150
150 0 48 35 107 78 129 48 26 93 26 142 1z"/>



Shopify Partner
2626 554 916

@bleeeroon placing random code in a post doesn't help.

Could tell us which theme you are using or provide us a preview link to your store. Furthermore, screenshots that help understand the correct placement would be great.

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