Adding additional information to marketing automation

7 0 2

Hi, I need help setting up automation. I need an email to go to a specific person when a specific product is purchased.


So far I have found the SKU of the product, where I need the Additional detail from the order to be propsed into the sent email. This is because we are using the Order Delivery Date & Pickup app, where customers choose the date and time to pick up the product on site.


I need to transfer these details to the internal email.


So far I have it set up like this.


Snímek obrazovky 2023-02-21 v 14.07.42.png


I need to add this field "Customer picks up bread in", where I need these details from the order ("Additional details"):


Snímek obrazovky 2023-02-21 v 14.09.21.png


I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. Thank you very much for any advice.

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7 0 2

Does anyone know? 😒