Creating a Flow to Remove Email Marketing Preferences After Bounces

Creating a Flow to Remove Email Marketing Preferences After Bounces

Shopify Partner
1 0 0



I am looking to create a flow to automatically remove customers email marketing subscription preferences 


I have created a segment for when a customers email address has bounced 2 times


I want the trigger on the flow to be that when a customer join this segment.


But is there anyway to automatically edit in the flow the customers email preferences to unsubscribe them from email marketing in shopify email? 



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
138 24 39

You might be able to unsubscribe them using the customerEmailMarketingConsentUpdate mutation with the Send Admin API request action.

Shopify Partner
93 4 10


To achieve this, you can automate the process using Shopify Flow and take these steps:

  1. Trigger Setup: Use your "Bounced 2 Times" segment as the trigger in Shopify Flow.
  2. Action to Update Preferences: Unfortunately, Shopify Flow doesn't directly modify email marketing preferences. However, you can use Shopify's Admin API to automate unsubscribing customers from email marketing. This requires a developer's assistance.
  3. Alternative: Manually export your segment and bulk update email preferences via Shopify's admin.
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