Creating a Flow to send email when a line item(s) availability is less than 0 at specific locations

Creating a Flow to send email when a line item(s) availability is less than 0 at specific locations

1 0 1


I am trying to create a flow that will send an internal email when an order is placed that contains line item(s) where the inventory level at both of 2 specific inventory locations is less than 0.


There are 4 inventory locations.

  • Location A is our Shop
  • Location B is our Warehouse
  • Location C and D are our suppliers


An order is received that includes 2 line items.

Item 1 is available at location A or B

Item 2 is not available at location A or B but is in C.


Because Location C has the item in stock, Shopify Flow isn't triggering.


I only want to receive an email if an item is not available in location A or B (ie. quantity drops below 0), so that I know to order some in from the supplier.


Any help would be gladly appreciated.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
801 39 146

Yeah you'd want a run code step in there for that logic.