Customers ordering more than once in 48 hours

Customers ordering more than once in 48 hours

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On our store we fairly often have customers place more than one order in a short period of time. We like to merge the orders to save on p&p. It is quite hard manually spotting these orders and often many will go missed.  I would like to set a flow up the sends us an email when a customer has placed an order already within a 48 hour time frame. Is there a way this can be done with Shopify Flow?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
104 31 29

Hi Sbshoes,

There's a template that could be customized to meet this need: Hold orders if customer placed more than 1 order in last 24 hours 

Deleting the For Each and Hold actions to replace them with a Send internal email action would likely solve your use case.


Hope that helps!

DaveMcV | Flow Development Manager @ Shopify
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Thank you this has worked. How can I include in the automated email which customer has ordered twice? Is there a way for the email text to include their name or email address?