Flow Subscription Cancel

Flow Subscription Cancel

Shopify Partner
36 0 7

Id like to create a flow that uses a trigger of Refund Created. Then it would check if that order had any subscription products. If so, cancelling said subscriptions.


Im not seeing a dedicated option to achieve this but was hoping it was possible using the Run Code option.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
168 21 43

Your subscription app would have to make that possible (the cancellation part). Awtomic Subscriptions has an action that'll let you do that :  )


Alternative to the app providing a simple action to cancel the sub you might be able to use an API if the app provides one and make an https call via Flow

Brian Singer
CTO & Cofounder of Subscription Service - Awtomic

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Subscription app should have this feature by default. Incase you are not using any subscription app on the store then you may consider looking into https://apps.shopify.com/subscription-10 this app for the feature.